OpenMRS API Docs v1.11.5

OpenMRS RESTful API documentation generated by Swagger


This document is a summary of the OpenMRS API as implemented by the REST Module. More details about how to develop an API client can be found on the OpenMRS wiki.



The OpenMRS API uses HTTP basic access authentication with your OpenMRS username and password. For example:

curl -u admin:Admin123 -i 'http://localhost:8080/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/concept'

Resource Summary


Operation Description
POST /activelisttype

Create with properties in request

GET /activelisttype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /activelisttype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /activelisttype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /allergy

Create with properties in request

GET /allergy

Fetch all non-retired

POST /allergy/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /allergy/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /conceptsource/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /conceptsource/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /conceptsource

Create with properties in request

GET /conceptsource

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
GET /customdatatype

Fetch all non-retired

GET /customdatatype/{uuid}/handlers


GET /customdatatype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
GET /drug (Search by parameters: q,locale,exactLocale)

Allows you to search for drugs, it matches on drug names, concept names of the associated concepts or the concept reference term codes of the drug reference term mappings

POST /drug/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /drug/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /drug (Search by parameters: source,code,preferredMapTypes)

Allows you to find drugs by source, code and preferred map types(comma delimited). Gets the best matching drug, i.e. matching the earliest ConceptMapType passed if there are multiple matches for the highest-priority ConceptMapType

POST /drug

Create with properties in request

GET /drug

Fetch all non-retired


subtype of Order

Operation Description
POST /DrugOrder

Create with properties in request


Operation Description
GET /encounter (Search by parameters: patient,encounterType,todate,fromdate,order)

Allows you to find Encounter by patient and encounterType (and optionally by from and to date range)

POST /encounter/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /encounter/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /encounter

Create with properties in request

GET /encounter

Fetch all non-retired

POST /encounter/{uuid}/encounterprovider


GET /encounter/{uuid}/encounterprovider



Operation Description
POST /encounterrole

Create with properties in request

GET /encounterrole

Fetch all non-retired

POST /encounterrole/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /encounterrole/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /encountertype

Create with properties in request

GET /encountertype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /encountertype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /encountertype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /field

Create with properties in request

GET /field

Fetch all non-retired

POST /field/{uuid}/answer


GET /field/{uuid}/answer


POST /field/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /field/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /fieldtype

Create with properties in request

GET /fieldtype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /fieldtype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /fieldtype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /form/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /form/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /form/{uuid}/formfield


GET /form/{uuid}/formfield


POST /form/{uuid}/resource


GET /form/{uuid}/resource


POST /form

Create with properties in request


Operation Description
GET /caresetting

Fetch all non-retired

GET /caresetting/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /hl7/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /hl7/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /hl7

Create with properties in request

GET /hl7

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /hl7source

Create with properties in request

GET /hl7source

Fetch all non-retired

POST /hl7source/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /hl7source/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /location

Create with properties in request

GET /location

Fetch all non-retired

GET /location (Search by parameters: tag)

Allows you to find locations by tag uuid or tag name

POST /location/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /location/{uuid}/attribute



Operation Description
POST /locationattributetype

Create with properties in request

GET /locationattributetype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /locationattributetype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /locationattributetype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /locationtag/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /locationtag/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /locationtag

Create with properties in request

GET /locationtag

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /obs/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /obs/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /obs

Create with properties in request

GET /obs

Fetch all non-retired

GET /obs (Search by parameters: patient,concept)

Allows you to find Observations by patient and concept


Operation Description
GET /order/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /order

Create with properties in request

GET /order

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /orderfrequency

Create with properties in request

GET /orderfrequency

Fetch all non-retired

POST /orderfrequency/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /orderfrequency/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /ordertype

Create with properties in request

GET /ordertype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /ordertype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /ordertype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
GET /patient (Search by parameters: identifier)

Allows you to find Patients by identifier

POST /patient/{uuid}/identifier


GET /patient/{uuid}/identifier


POST /patient/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /patient/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /patient

Create with properties in request

GET /patient

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /cohort/{uuid}/member


GET /cohort/{uuid}/member


POST /cohort

Create with properties in request

GET /cohort

Fetch all non-retired

POST /cohort/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /cohort/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /patientidentifiertype

Create with properties in request

GET /patientidentifiertype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /patientidentifiertype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /patientidentifiertype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /person/{uuid}/name


GET /person/{uuid}/name


POST /person/{uuid}/address


GET /person/{uuid}/address


POST /person/{uuid}/attribute


GET /person/{uuid}/attribute


POST /person

Create with properties in request

GET /person

Fetch all non-retired

POST /person/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /person/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /personattributetype

Create with properties in request

GET /personattributetype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /personattributetype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /personattributetype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /privilege

Create with properties in request

GET /privilege

Fetch all non-retired

POST /privilege/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /privilege/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /problem/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /problem/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /problem

Create with properties in request

GET /problem

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /program/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /program/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /program

Create with properties in request

GET /program

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /programenrollment/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /programenrollment/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /programenrollment

Create with properties in request

POST /programenrollment/{uuid}/state


GET /programenrollment/{uuid}/state



Operation Description
POST /provider

Create with properties in request

GET /provider

Fetch all non-retired

GET /provider (Search by parameters: user)

Allows you to find providers by user uuid

POST /provider/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /provider/{uuid}/attribute



Operation Description
POST /providerattributetype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /providerattributetype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /providerattributetype

Create with properties in request

GET /providerattributetype

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
GET /relationship (Search by parameters: personA,relation)

Allows you to find relationships of personA of given relationship type

POST /relationship/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /relationship (Search by parameters: person,relatedPerson)

Allows you to find relationships between two persons by specifying their uuids

GET /relationship (Search by parameters: personB,personA,relation)

Allows you to find relationships between personA and personB given relationship type

GET /relationship (Search by parameters: personB,personA)

Allows you to find relationships between personA and personB

POST /relationship

Create with properties in request

GET /relationship (Search by parameters: person,relation)

Allows you to find relationships where person is related to other by type of relationship

GET /relationship (Search by parameters: personB,relation)

Allows you to find relationships of personB of given relationship type

GET /relationship (Search by parameters: person)

Allows you to find relationship by person uuid


Operation Description
GET /concept (Search by parameters: source,code)

Allows you to find concepts by source and code

POST /concept/{uuid}/mapping


GET /concept/{uuid}/mapping


POST /concept/{uuid}/description


GET /concept/{uuid}/description


POST /concept

Create with properties in request

GET /concept

Fetch all non-retired

GET /concept (Search by parameters: term)

Allows you to find concepts which map to term, uuid of term given as input

GET /concept (Search by parameters: name)

Allows you to find concepts by name

POST /concept/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /concept/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /concept/{uuid}/name


GET /concept/{uuid}/name



Operation Description
POST /relationshiptype

Create with properties in request

GET /relationshiptype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /relationshiptype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /relationshiptype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /role/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /role/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /role

Create with properties in request

GET /role

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /systemsetting

Create with properties in request

GET /systemsetting

Fetch all non-retired

POST /systemsetting/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /systemsetting/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


subtype of Order

Operation Description
POST /TestOrder

Create with properties in request


Operation Description
POST /user/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /user/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /user

Create with properties in request

GET /user

Fetch all non-retired

GET /user (Search by parameters: username)

Allows you to find users by username


Operation Description
POST /visit/{uuid}/attribute


POST /visit

Create with properties in request

POST /visit/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request


Operation Description
POST /visitattributetype

Create with properties in request

GET /visitattributetype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /visitattributetype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /visitattributetype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
POST /visittype

Create with properties in request

GET /visittype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /visittype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /visittype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
GET /workflow/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /workflow

Create with properties in request

GET /workflow

Fetch all non-retired

GET /workflow/{uuid}//state



Operation Description
POST /conceptclass/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /conceptclass/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /conceptclass

Create with properties in request

GET /conceptclass

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /conceptdatatype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /conceptdatatype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

POST /conceptdatatype

Create with properties in request

GET /conceptdatatype

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /conceptmaptype

Create with properties in request

GET /conceptmaptype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /conceptmaptype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /conceptmaptype/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
GET /conceptreferenceterm (Search by parameters: source,code,name)

Allows you to find terms by source, code and name

POST /conceptreferenceterm

Create with properties in request

GET /conceptreferenceterm

Fetch all non-retired

POST /conceptreferenceterm/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /conceptreferenceterm/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid


Operation Description
GET /conceptreferencetermmap (Search by parameters: maps,maptype)

Allows you to find term maps by reference 'maps' (termA or termB uuid) and 'maptype' (uuid or name)

GET /conceptreferencetermmap (Search by parameters: termA,maptype)

Allows you to find term maps by reference 'termA' (uuid) and 'maptype' (uuid or name)

GET /conceptreferencetermmap (Search by parameters: termB,maptype)

Allows you to find term maps by reference 'termB' (uuid) and 'maptype' (uuid or name)

POST /conceptreferencetermmap

Create with properties in request

GET /conceptreferencetermmap

Fetch all non-retired

POST /conceptreferencetermmap/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /conceptreferencetermmap/{uuid}

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /conceptreferencetermmap (Search by parameters: maps,to)

Allows you to find term maps by reference 'maps' (termA uuid) and 'to' (termB uuid)


Fetch all non-retired

GET /activelisttype

Resource: activelisttype


200 OK

activelisttype response

Create with properties in request

POST /activelisttype

Resource: activelisttype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


200 OK

activelisttype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /activelisttype/{uuid}

Resource: activelisttype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

activelisttype response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /activelisttype/{uuid}

Resource: activelisttype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

activelisttype response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /allergy

Resource: allergy


200 OK

allergy response

Create with properties in request

POST /allergy

Resource: allergy

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: person(required) startDate(required) comments(optional) startObs(optional) stopObs(optional) allergyType(required) allergen(required) reaction(optional) severity(optional)


200 OK

allergy response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /allergy/{uuid}

Resource: allergy

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

allergy response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /allergy/{uuid}

Resource: allergy

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: person(required) startDate(required) comments(optional) startObs(optional) stopObs(optional) allergyType(required) allergen(required) reaction(optional) severity(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

allergy response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /caresetting

Resource: caresetting


200 OK

caresetting response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /caresetting/{uuid}

Resource: caresetting

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

caresetting response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /cohort

Resource: cohort


200 OK

cohort response

Create with properties in request

POST /cohort

Resource: cohort

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required) memberIds(required)


200 OK

cohort response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /cohort/{uuid}

Resource: cohort

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

cohort response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /cohort/{uuid}

Resource: cohort

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: patient(required)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

cohort response


GET /cohort/{uuid}/member

Resource: cohort

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

cohort response


POST /cohort/{uuid}/member

Resource: cohort

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: patient(required)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

cohort response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /concept

Resource: concept


200 OK

concept response

Create with properties in request

POST /concept

Resource: concept

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: names(required) datatype(required) conceptClass(required) descriptions(optional) set(optional) version(optional) mappings(optional) answers(optional) setMembers(optional)


200 OK

concept response

Allows you to find concepts by name

GET /concept (Search by parameters: name)

Resource: concept

Allows you to find concepts by name

name query string


200 OK

concept response

Allows you to find concepts by source and code

GET /concept (Search by parameters: source,code)

Resource: concept

Allows you to find concepts by source and code

source query string
code query string


200 OK

concept response

Allows you to find concepts which map to term, uuid of term given as input

GET /concept (Search by parameters: term)

Resource: concept

Allows you to find concepts which map to term, uuid of term given as input

term query string


200 OK

concept response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /concept/{uuid}

Resource: concept

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

concept response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /concept/{uuid}

Resource: concept

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: conceptReferenceTerm(required) conceptMapType(required)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

concept response


GET /concept/{uuid}/description

Resource: concept

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

concept response


POST /concept/{uuid}/description

Resource: concept

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: description(required) locale(required)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

concept response


GET /concept/{uuid}/mapping

Resource: concept

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

concept response


POST /concept/{uuid}/mapping

Resource: concept

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: conceptReferenceTerm(required) conceptMapType(required)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

concept response


GET /concept/{uuid}/name

Resource: concept

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

concept response


POST /concept/{uuid}/name

Resource: concept

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) locale(required) localePreferred(optional) conceptNameType(optional)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

concept response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /conceptclass

Resource: conceptclass


200 OK

conceptclass response

Create with properties in request

POST /conceptclass

Resource: conceptclass

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


200 OK

conceptclass response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /conceptclass/{uuid}

Resource: conceptclass

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

conceptclass response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /conceptclass/{uuid}

Resource: conceptclass

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

conceptclass response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /conceptdatatype

Resource: conceptdatatype


200 OK

conceptdatatype response

Create with properties in request

POST /conceptdatatype

Resource: conceptdatatype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


200 OK

conceptdatatype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /conceptdatatype/{uuid}

Resource: conceptdatatype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

conceptdatatype response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /conceptdatatype/{uuid}

Resource: conceptdatatype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

conceptdatatype response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /conceptmaptype

Resource: conceptmaptype


200 OK

conceptmaptype response

Create with properties in request

POST /conceptmaptype

Resource: conceptmaptype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional) isHidden(optional)


200 OK

conceptmaptype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /conceptmaptype/{uuid}

Resource: conceptmaptype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

conceptmaptype response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /conceptmaptype/{uuid}

Resource: conceptmaptype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional) isHidden(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

conceptmaptype response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /conceptreferenceterm

Resource: conceptreferenceterm


200 OK

conceptreferenceterm response

Create with properties in request

POST /conceptreferenceterm

Resource: conceptreferenceterm

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: code(required) conceptSource(required) name(optional) description(optional) version(optional)


200 OK

conceptreferenceterm response

Allows you to find terms by source, code and name

GET /conceptreferenceterm (Search by parameters: source,code,name)

Resource: conceptreferenceterm

Allows you to find terms by source, code and name

source query string
code query string
name query string


200 OK

conceptreferenceterm response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /conceptreferenceterm/{uuid}

Resource: conceptreferenceterm

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

conceptreferenceterm response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /conceptreferenceterm/{uuid}

Resource: conceptreferenceterm

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: code(required) conceptSource(required) name(optional) description(optional) version(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

conceptreferenceterm response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /conceptreferencetermmap

Resource: conceptreferencetermmap


200 OK

conceptreferencetermmap response

Create with properties in request

POST /conceptreferencetermmap

Resource: conceptreferencetermmap

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: termA(required) termB(required) conceptMapType(required)


200 OK

conceptreferencetermmap response

Allows you to find term maps by reference 'maps' (termA or termB uuid) and 'maptype' (uuid or name)

GET /conceptreferencetermmap (Search by parameters: maps,maptype)

Resource: conceptreferencetermmap

Allows you to find term maps by reference 'maps' (termA or termB uuid) and 'maptype' (uuid or name)

maps query string
maptype query string


200 OK

conceptreferencetermmap response

Allows you to find term maps by reference 'maps' (termA uuid) and 'to' (termB uuid)

GET /conceptreferencetermmap (Search by parameters: maps,to)

Resource: conceptreferencetermmap

Allows you to find term maps by reference 'maps' (termA uuid) and 'to' (termB uuid)

maps query string
to query string


200 OK

conceptreferencetermmap response

Allows you to find term maps by reference 'termA' (uuid) and 'maptype' (uuid or name)

GET /conceptreferencetermmap (Search by parameters: termA,maptype)

Resource: conceptreferencetermmap

Allows you to find term maps by reference 'termA' (uuid) and 'maptype' (uuid or name)

termA query string
maptype query string


200 OK

conceptreferencetermmap response

Allows you to find term maps by reference 'termB' (uuid) and 'maptype' (uuid or name)

GET /conceptreferencetermmap (Search by parameters: termB,maptype)

Resource: conceptreferencetermmap

Allows you to find term maps by reference 'termB' (uuid) and 'maptype' (uuid or name)

termB query string
maptype query string


200 OK

conceptreferencetermmap response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /conceptreferencetermmap/{uuid}

Resource: conceptreferencetermmap

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

conceptreferencetermmap response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /conceptreferencetermmap/{uuid}

Resource: conceptreferencetermmap

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: termA(required) termB(required) conceptMapType(required)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

conceptreferencetermmap response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /conceptsource

Resource: conceptsource


200 OK

conceptsource response

Create with properties in request

POST /conceptsource

Resource: conceptsource

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required) hl7Code(optional)


200 OK

conceptsource response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /conceptsource/{uuid}

Resource: conceptsource

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

conceptsource response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /conceptsource/{uuid}

Resource: conceptsource

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required) hl7Code(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

conceptsource response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /customdatatype

Resource: customdatatype


200 OK

customdatatype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /customdatatype/{uuid}

Resource: customdatatype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

customdatatype response


GET /customdatatype/{uuid}/handlers

Resource: customdatatype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

customdatatype response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /drug

Resource: drug


200 OK

drug response

Create with properties in request

POST /drug

Resource: drug

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(optional) description(optional) combination(required) concept(required) doseStrength(optional) maximumDailyDose(optional) minimumDailyDose(optional) units(optional) dosageForm(optional) route(optional)


200 OK

drug response

Allows you to search for drugs, it matches on drug names, concept names of the associated concepts or the concept reference term codes of the drug reference term mappings

GET /drug (Search by parameters: q,locale,exactLocale)

Resource: drug

Allows you to search for drugs, it matches on drug names, concept names of the associated concepts or the concept reference term codes of the drug reference term mappings

q query string
locale query string
exactLocale query string


200 OK

drug response

Allows you to find drugs by source, code and preferred map types(comma delimited). Gets the best matching drug, i.e. matching the earliest ConceptMapType passed if there are multiple matches for the highest-priority ConceptMapType

GET /drug (Search by parameters: source,code,preferredMapTypes)

Resource: drug

Allows you to find drugs by source, code and preferred map types(comma delimited). Gets the best matching drug, i.e. matching the earliest ConceptMapType passed if there are multiple matches for the highest-priority ConceptMapType

source query string
code query string
preferredMapTypes query string


200 OK

drug response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /drug/{uuid}

Resource: drug

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

drug response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /drug/{uuid}

Resource: drug

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(optional) description(optional) combination(required) concept(required) doseStrength(optional) maximumDailyDose(optional) minimumDailyDose(optional) units(optional) dosageForm(optional) route(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

drug response

Create with properties in request

POST /DrugOrder

Resource: DrugOrder

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: encounter(required) action(optional) dateActivated(optional) patient(optional) concept(optional) careSetting(optional) dateStopped(optional) autoExpireDate(optional) orderer(optional) previousOrder(optional) urgency(optional) orderReason(optional) orderReasonNonCoded(optional) instructions(optional) commentToFulfiller(optional) drug(optional) dosingType(optional) dose(optional) doseUnits(optional) frequency(optional) asNeeded(optional) asNeededCondition(optional) quantity(optional) quantityUnits(optional) numRefills(optional) administrationInstructions(optional) dosingInstructions(optional) duration(optional) durationUnits(optional) route(optional) brandName(optional) dispenseAsWritten(optional)


200 OK

DrugOrder response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /encounter

Resource: encounter


200 OK

encounter response

Create with properties in request

POST /encounter

Resource: encounter

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: encounterDatetime(optional) patient(required) encounterType(required) location(optional) form(optional) provider(optional) orders(optional) obs(optional) visit(optional) encounterProviders(optional)


200 OK

encounter response

Allows you to find Encounter by patient and encounterType (and optionally by from and to date range)

GET /encounter (Search by parameters: patient,encounterType,todate,fromdate,order)

Resource: encounter

Allows you to find Encounter by patient and encounterType (and optionally by from and to date range)

patient query string
encounterType query string
todate query string
fromdate query string
order query string


200 OK

encounter response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /encounter/{uuid}

Resource: encounter

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

encounter response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /encounter/{uuid}

Resource: encounter

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: encounterRole(optional) voided(optional) voidReason(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

encounter response


GET /encounter/{uuid}/encounterprovider

Resource: encounter

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

encounter response


POST /encounter/{uuid}/encounterprovider

Resource: encounter

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: provider(optional) encounter(optional) encounterRole(optional)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

encounter response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /encounterrole

Resource: encounterrole


200 OK

encounterrole response

Create with properties in request

POST /encounterrole

Resource: encounterrole

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required)


200 OK

encounterrole response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /encounterrole/{uuid}

Resource: encounterrole

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

encounterrole response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /encounterrole/{uuid}

Resource: encounterrole

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

encounterrole response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /encountertype

Resource: encountertype


200 OK

encountertype response

Create with properties in request

POST /encountertype

Resource: encountertype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required)


200 OK

encountertype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /encountertype/{uuid}

Resource: encountertype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

encountertype response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /encountertype/{uuid}

Resource: encountertype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

encountertype response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /field

Resource: field


200 OK

field response

Create with properties in request

POST /field

Resource: field

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional) fieldType(required) selectMultiple(required) concept(optional) tableName(optional) attributeName(optional) defaultValue(optional)


200 OK

field response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /field/{uuid}

Resource: field

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

field response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /field/{uuid}

Resource: field

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: field(required) concept(required)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

field response


GET /field/{uuid}/answer

Resource: field

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

field response


POST /field/{uuid}/answer

Resource: field

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: field(required) concept(required)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

field response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /fieldtype

Resource: fieldtype


200 OK

fieldtype response

Create with properties in request

POST /fieldtype

Resource: fieldtype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


200 OK

fieldtype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /fieldtype/{uuid}

Resource: fieldtype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

fieldtype response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /fieldtype/{uuid}

Resource: fieldtype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

fieldtype response

Create with properties in request

POST /form

Resource: form

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional) version(required) encounterType(optional) build(optional) published(optional) formFields(optional) xslt(optional) template(optional)


200 OK

form response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /form/{uuid}

Resource: form

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

form response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /form/{uuid}

Resource: form

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: form(optional) name(optional) dataType(optional) handler(optional) handlerConfig(optional) value(optional) valueReference(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

form response


GET /form/{uuid}/formfield

Resource: form

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

form response


POST /form/{uuid}/formfield

Resource: form

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: form(required) field(required) required(required) parent(optional) fieldNumber(optional) fieldPart(optional) pageNumber(optional) minOccurs(optional) maxOccurs(optional) sortWeight(optional)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

form response


GET /form/{uuid}/resource

Resource: form

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

form response


POST /form/{uuid}/resource

Resource: form

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: form(optional) name(optional) dataType(optional) handler(optional) handlerConfig(optional) value(optional) valueReference(optional)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

form response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /hl7

Resource: hl7


200 OK

hl7 response

Create with properties in request

POST /hl7

Resource: hl7

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: hl7(required)


200 OK

hl7 response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /hl7/{uuid}

Resource: hl7

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

hl7 response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /hl7/{uuid}

Resource: hl7

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: hl7(required)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

hl7 response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /hl7source

Resource: hl7source


200 OK

hl7source response

Create with properties in request

POST /hl7source

Resource: hl7source

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required)


200 OK

hl7source response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /hl7source/{uuid}

Resource: hl7source

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

hl7source response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /hl7source/{uuid}

Resource: hl7source

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

hl7source response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /location

Resource: location


200 OK

location response

Create with properties in request

POST /location

Resource: location

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional) address1(optional) address2(optional) cityVillage(optional) stateProvince(optional) country(optional) postalCode(optional) latitude(optional) longitude(optional) countyDistrict(optional) address3(optional) address4(optional) address5(optional) address6(optional) tags(optional) parentLocation(optional) childLocations(optional) attributes(optional)


200 OK

location response

Allows you to find locations by tag uuid or tag name

GET /location (Search by parameters: tag)

Resource: location

Allows you to find locations by tag uuid or tag name

tag query string


200 OK

location response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /location/{uuid}

Resource: location

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: attributeType(required) value(required)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

location response


POST /location/{uuid}/attribute

Resource: location

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: attributeType(required) value(required)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

location response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /locationattributetype

Resource: locationattributetype


200 OK

locationattributetype response

Create with properties in request

POST /locationattributetype

Resource: locationattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) datatypeClassname(required) description(optional) minOccurs(optional) maxOccurs(optional) datatypeConfig(optional) preferredHandlerClassname(optional) handlerConfig(optional)


200 OK

locationattributetype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /locationattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: locationattributetype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

locationattributetype response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /locationattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: locationattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) datatypeClassname(required) description(optional) minOccurs(optional) maxOccurs(optional) datatypeConfig(optional) preferredHandlerClassname(optional) handlerConfig(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

locationattributetype response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /locationtag

Resource: locationtag


200 OK

locationtag response

Create with properties in request

POST /locationtag

Resource: locationtag

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional) retired(optional) retireReason(optional)


200 OK

locationtag response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /locationtag/{uuid}

Resource: locationtag

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

locationtag response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /locationtag/{uuid}

Resource: locationtag

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional) retired(optional) retireReason(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

locationtag response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /obs

Resource: obs


200 OK

obs response

Create with properties in request

POST /obs

Resource: obs

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: person(required) obsDatetime(required) concept(required) location(optional) order(optional) encounter(optional) accessionNumber(optional) groupMembers(optional) valueCodedName(optional) comment(optional) value(optional) valueModifier(optional) formFieldPath(optional) formFieldNamespace(optional)


200 OK

obs response

Allows you to find Observations by patient and concept

GET /obs (Search by parameters: patient,concept)

Resource: obs

Allows you to find Observations by patient and concept

patient query string
concept query string


200 OK

obs response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /obs/{uuid}

Resource: obs

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

obs response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /obs/{uuid}

Resource: obs

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: person(required) obsDatetime(required) concept(required) location(optional) order(optional) encounter(optional) accessionNumber(optional) groupMembers(optional) valueCodedName(optional) comment(optional) value(optional) valueModifier(optional) formFieldPath(optional) formFieldNamespace(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

obs response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /order

Resource: order


200 OK

order response

Create with properties in request

POST /order

Resource: order

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: encounter(required) action(optional) dateActivated(optional) patient(optional) concept(optional) careSetting(optional) dateStopped(optional) autoExpireDate(optional) orderer(optional) previousOrder(optional) urgency(optional) orderReason(optional) orderReasonNonCoded(optional) instructions(optional) commentToFulfiller(optional)


200 OK

order response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /order/{uuid}

Resource: order

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

order response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /orderfrequency

Resource: orderfrequency


200 OK

orderfrequency response

Create with properties in request

POST /orderfrequency

Resource: orderfrequency

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


200 OK

orderfrequency response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /orderfrequency/{uuid}

Resource: orderfrequency

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

orderfrequency response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /orderfrequency/{uuid}

Resource: orderfrequency

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

orderfrequency response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /ordertype

Resource: ordertype


200 OK

ordertype response

Create with properties in request

POST /ordertype

Resource: ordertype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional) javaClassName(required) parent(optional) conceptClasses(optional)


200 OK

ordertype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /ordertype/{uuid}

Resource: ordertype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

ordertype response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /ordertype/{uuid}

Resource: ordertype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional) javaClassName(required) parent(optional) conceptClasses(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

ordertype response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /patient

Resource: patient


200 OK

patient response

Create with properties in request

POST /patient

Resource: patient

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: person(required) identifiers(required)


200 OK

patient response

Allows you to find Patients by identifier

GET /patient (Search by parameters: identifier)

Resource: patient

Allows you to find Patients by identifier

identifier query string


200 OK

patient response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /patient/{uuid}

Resource: patient

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

patient response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /patient/{uuid}

Resource: patient

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: identifier(required) identifierType(required) location(optional) preferred(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

patient response


GET /patient/{uuid}/identifier

Resource: patient

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

patient response


POST /patient/{uuid}/identifier

Resource: patient

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: identifier(required) identifierType(required) location(optional) preferred(optional)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

patient response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /patientidentifiertype

Resource: patientidentifiertype


200 OK

patientidentifiertype response

Create with properties in request

POST /patientidentifiertype

Resource: patientidentifiertype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required) format(optional) formatDescription(optional) required(optional) checkDigit(optional) validator(optional) locationBehavior(optional) uniquenessBehavior(optional)


200 OK

patientidentifiertype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /patientidentifiertype/{uuid}

Resource: patientidentifiertype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

patientidentifiertype response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /patientidentifiertype/{uuid}

Resource: patientidentifiertype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required) format(optional) formatDescription(optional) required(optional) checkDigit(optional) validator(optional) locationBehavior(optional) uniquenessBehavior(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

patientidentifiertype response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /person

Resource: person


200 OK

person response

Create with properties in request

POST /person

Resource: person

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: names(required) gender(required) age(optional) birthdate(optional) birthdateEstimated(optional) dead(optional) deathDate(optional) causeOfDeath(optional) addresses(optional) attributes(optional) deathdateEstimated(optional) birthtime(optional)


200 OK

person response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /person/{uuid}

Resource: person

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

person response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /person/{uuid}

Resource: person

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: givenName(required) familyName(required) middleName(optional) familyName2(optional) preferred(optional) prefix(optional) familyNamePrefix(optional) familyNameSuffix(optional) degree(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

person response


GET /person/{uuid}/address

Resource: person

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

person response


POST /person/{uuid}/address

Resource: person

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: preferred(optional) address1(optional) address2(optional) cityVillage(optional) stateProvince(optional) country(optional) postalCode(optional) latitude(optional) longitude(optional) countyDistrict(optional) address3(optional) address4(optional) address5(optional) address6(optional) startDate(optional) endDate(optional)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

person response


GET /person/{uuid}/attribute

Resource: person

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

person response


POST /person/{uuid}/attribute

Resource: person

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: value(optional) attributeType(required) hydratedObject(optional)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

person response


GET /person/{uuid}/name

Resource: person

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

person response


POST /person/{uuid}/name

Resource: person

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: givenName(required) familyName(required) middleName(optional) familyName2(optional) preferred(optional) prefix(optional) familyNamePrefix(optional) familyNameSuffix(optional) degree(optional)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

person response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /personattributetype

Resource: personattributetype


200 OK

personattributetype response

Create with properties in request

POST /personattributetype

Resource: personattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required) format(optional) foreignKey(optional) sortWeight(optional) searchable(optional) editPrivilege(optional)


200 OK

personattributetype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /personattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: personattributetype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

personattributetype response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /personattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: personattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required) format(optional) foreignKey(optional) sortWeight(optional) searchable(optional) editPrivilege(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

personattributetype response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /privilege

Resource: privilege


200 OK

privilege response

Create with properties in request

POST /privilege

Resource: privilege

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


200 OK

privilege response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /privilege/{uuid}

Resource: privilege

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

privilege response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /privilege/{uuid}

Resource: privilege

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: description(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

privilege response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /problem

Resource: problem


200 OK

problem response

Create with properties in request

POST /problem

Resource: problem

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: person(required) startDate(required) comments(optional) startObs(optional) stopObs(optional) problem(required) modifier(optional) sortWeight(optional)


200 OK

problem response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /problem/{uuid}

Resource: problem

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

problem response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /problem/{uuid}

Resource: problem

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: person(required) startDate(required) comments(optional) startObs(optional) stopObs(optional) problem(required) modifier(optional) sortWeight(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

problem response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /program

Resource: program


200 OK

program response

Create with properties in request

POST /program

Resource: program

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required) concept(required) outcomesConcept(optional) retired(optional)


200 OK

program response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /program/{uuid}

Resource: program

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

program response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /program/{uuid}

Resource: program

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(required) concept(required) outcomesConcept(optional) retired(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

program response

Create with properties in request

POST /programenrollment

Resource: programenrollment

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: patient(required) program(required) dateEnrolled(required) dateCompleted(optional) states(optional) outcome(optional) location(optional) voided(optional)


200 OK

programenrollment response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /programenrollment/{uuid}

Resource: programenrollment

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

programenrollment response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /programenrollment/{uuid}

Resource: programenrollment

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: state(required) startDate(optional) endDate(optional) voided(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

programenrollment response


GET /programenrollment/{uuid}/state

Resource: programenrollment

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

programenrollment response


POST /programenrollment/{uuid}/state

Resource: programenrollment

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: state(required)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

programenrollment response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /provider

Resource: provider


200 OK

provider response

Create with properties in request

POST /provider

Resource: provider

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: person(required) identifier(required) attributes(optional) retired(optional)


200 OK

provider response

Allows you to find providers by user uuid

GET /provider (Search by parameters: user)

Resource: provider

Allows you to find providers by user uuid

user query string


200 OK

provider response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /provider/{uuid}

Resource: provider

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: attributeType(required) value(required)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

provider response


POST /provider/{uuid}/attribute

Resource: provider

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: attributeType(required) value(required)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

provider response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /providerattributetype

Resource: providerattributetype


200 OK

providerattributetype response

Create with properties in request

POST /providerattributetype

Resource: providerattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) datatypeClassname(required) description(optional) minOccurs(optional) maxOccurs(optional) datatypeConfig(optional) preferredHandlerClassname(optional) handlerConfig(optional)


200 OK

providerattributetype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /providerattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: providerattributetype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

providerattributetype response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /providerattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: providerattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) datatypeClassname(required) description(optional) minOccurs(optional) maxOccurs(optional) datatypeConfig(optional) preferredHandlerClassname(optional) handlerConfig(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

providerattributetype response

Create with properties in request

POST /relationship

Resource: relationship

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: personA(required) relationshipType(required) personB(required) startDate(optional) endDate(optional)


200 OK

relationship response

Allows you to find relationship by person uuid

GET /relationship (Search by parameters: person)

Resource: relationship

Allows you to find relationship by person uuid

person query string


200 OK

relationship response

Allows you to find relationships between two persons by specifying their uuids

GET /relationship (Search by parameters: person,relatedPerson)

Resource: relationship

Allows you to find relationships between two persons by specifying their uuids

person query string
relatedPerson query string


200 OK

relationship response

Allows you to find relationships where person is related to other by type of relationship

GET /relationship (Search by parameters: person,relation)

Resource: relationship

Allows you to find relationships where person is related to other by type of relationship

person query string
relation query string


200 OK

relationship response

Allows you to find relationships of personA of given relationship type

GET /relationship (Search by parameters: personA,relation)

Resource: relationship

Allows you to find relationships of personA of given relationship type

personA query string
relation query string


200 OK

relationship response

Allows you to find relationships between personA and personB

GET /relationship (Search by parameters: personB,personA)

Resource: relationship

Allows you to find relationships between personA and personB

personB query string
personA query string


200 OK

relationship response

Allows you to find relationships between personA and personB given relationship type

GET /relationship (Search by parameters: personB,personA,relation)

Resource: relationship

Allows you to find relationships between personA and personB given relationship type

personB query string
personA query string
relation query string


200 OK

relationship response

Allows you to find relationships of personB of given relationship type

GET /relationship (Search by parameters: personB,relation)

Resource: relationship

Allows you to find relationships of personB of given relationship type

personB query string
relation query string


200 OK

relationship response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /relationship/{uuid}

Resource: relationship

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: relationshipType(required) startDate(optional) endDate(optional) voided(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

relationship response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /relationshiptype

Resource: relationshiptype


200 OK

relationshiptype response

Create with properties in request

POST /relationshiptype

Resource: relationshiptype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: aIsToB(required) bIsToA(required) weight(optional) description(optional)


200 OK

relationshiptype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /relationshiptype/{uuid}

Resource: relationshiptype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

relationshiptype response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /relationshiptype/{uuid}

Resource: relationshiptype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: aIsToB(required) bIsToA(required) weight(optional) description(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

relationshiptype response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /role

Resource: role


200 OK

role response

Create with properties in request

POST /role

Resource: role

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional) privileges(optional) inheritedRoles(optional)


200 OK

role response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /role/{uuid}

Resource: role

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

role response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /role/{uuid}

Resource: role

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: description(optional) privileges(optional) inheritedRoles(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

role response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /systemsetting

Resource: systemsetting


200 OK

systemsetting response

Create with properties in request

POST /systemsetting

Resource: systemsetting

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: property(required) description(required) datatypeClassname(optional) datatypeConfig(optional) preferredHandlerClassname(optional) handlerConfig(optional) value(required)


200 OK

systemsetting response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /systemsetting/{uuid}

Resource: systemsetting

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

systemsetting response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /systemsetting/{uuid}

Resource: systemsetting

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: description(required) datatypeClassname(optional) datatypeConfig(optional) preferredHandlerClassname(optional) handlerConfig(optional) value(required)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

systemsetting response

Create with properties in request

POST /TestOrder

Resource: TestOrder

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: encounter(required) action(optional) dateActivated(optional) patient(optional) concept(optional) careSetting(optional) dateStopped(optional) autoExpireDate(optional) orderer(optional) previousOrder(optional) urgency(optional) orderReason(optional) orderReasonNonCoded(optional) instructions(optional) commentToFulfiller(optional) specimenSource(optional) laterality(optional) clinicalHistory(optional) frequency(optional) numberOfRepeats(optional)


200 OK

TestOrder response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /user

Resource: user


200 OK

user response

Create with properties in request

POST /user

Resource: user

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: username(required) password(required) person(required) systemId(optional) userProperties(optional) roles(optional) proficientLocales(optional) secretQuestion(optional)


200 OK

user response

Allows you to find users by username

GET /user (Search by parameters: username)

Resource: user

Allows you to find users by username

username query string


200 OK

user response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /user/{uuid}

Resource: user

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

user response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /user/{uuid}

Resource: user

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: username(required) password(required) person(required) systemId(optional) userProperties(optional) roles(optional) proficientLocales(optional) secretQuestion(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

user response

Create with properties in request

POST /visit

Resource: visit

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: patient(required) visitType(required) startDatetime(optional) location(optional) indication(optional) stopDatetime(optional) encounters(optional) attributes(optional)


200 OK

visit response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /visit/{uuid}

Resource: visit

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: attributeType(required) value(required)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

visit response


POST /visit/{uuid}/attribute

Resource: visit

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: attributeType(required) value(required)


uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

visit response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /visitattributetype

Resource: visitattributetype


200 OK

visitattributetype response

Create with properties in request

POST /visitattributetype

Resource: visitattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) datatypeClassname(required) description(optional) minOccurs(optional) maxOccurs(optional) datatypeConfig(optional) preferredHandlerClassname(optional) handlerConfig(optional)


200 OK

visitattributetype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /visitattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: visitattributetype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

visitattributetype response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /visitattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: visitattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) datatypeClassname(required) description(optional) minOccurs(optional) maxOccurs(optional) datatypeConfig(optional) preferredHandlerClassname(optional) handlerConfig(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

visitattributetype response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /visittype

Resource: visittype


200 OK

visittype response

Create with properties in request

POST /visittype

Resource: visittype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


200 OK

visittype response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /visittype/{uuid}

Resource: visittype

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

visittype response

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /visittype/{uuid}

Resource: visittype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


uuid of the resource to update

path string


200 OK

visittype response

Fetch all non-retired

GET /workflow

Resource: workflow


200 OK

workflow response

Create with properties in request

POST /workflow

Resource: workflow

Uses default content-types: application/json

Parameters: name(required) description(optional)


200 OK

workflow response

Fetch by unique uuid

GET /workflow/{uuid}

Resource: workflow

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

workflow response


GET /workflow/{uuid}//state

Resource: workflow

uuid to filter by

path string


200 OK

workflow response

Schema definitions

activelisttype: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

activelisttypeCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

activelisttypeUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

allergy: object

severity: string
allergen: string
startObs: string
comments: string
reaction: string
endDate: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
allergyType: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
stopObs: string
activeListType: string
person: string
links: string
voided: string
startDate: string

allergyCreateInput: object

severity: string
allergen: string
startObs: string
comments: string
reaction: string
endDate: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
allergyType: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
stopObs: string
activeListType: string
person: string
links: string
voided: string
startDate: string

allergyUpdateInput: object

severity: string
allergen: string
startObs: string
comments: string
reaction: string
endDate: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
allergyType: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
stopObs: string
activeListType: string
person: string
links: string
voided: string
startDate: string

caresetting: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
careSettingType: string
uuid: string

caresettingCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
careSettingType: string
uuid: string

caresettingUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
careSettingType: string
uuid: string

cohort: object

patient: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string

cohortCreateInput: object

patient: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string

cohortUpdateInput: object

patient: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string

concept: object

auditInfo: string
conceptReferenceTerm: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
conceptMapType: string
uuid: string

conceptclass: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

conceptclassCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

conceptclassUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

conceptCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
conceptReferenceTerm: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
conceptMapType: string
uuid: string

conceptdatatype: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
hl7Abbreviation: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

conceptdatatypeCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
hl7Abbreviation: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

conceptdatatypeUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
hl7Abbreviation: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

conceptmaptype: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string
isHidden: string

conceptmaptypeCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string
isHidden: string

conceptmaptypeUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string
isHidden: string

conceptreferenceterm: object

auditInfo: string
code: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
conceptSource: string
retired: string
uuid: string
version: string

conceptreferencetermCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
code: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
conceptSource: string
retired: string
uuid: string
version: string

conceptreferencetermmap: object

auditInfo: string
termB: string
display: string
termA: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
conceptMapType: string
uuid: string

conceptreferencetermmapCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
termB: string
display: string
termA: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
conceptMapType: string
uuid: string

conceptreferencetermmapUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
termB: string
display: string
termA: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
conceptMapType: string
uuid: string

conceptreferencetermUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
code: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
conceptSource: string
retired: string
uuid: string
version: string

conceptsource: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
hl7Code: string
retired: string
uuid: string

conceptsourceCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
hl7Code: string
retired: string
uuid: string

conceptsourceUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
hl7Code: string
retired: string
uuid: string

conceptUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
conceptReferenceTerm: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
conceptMapType: string
uuid: string

customdatatype: object

handlerClassname: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
uuid: string

customdatatypeCreateInput: object

handlerClassname: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
uuid: string

customdatatypeUpdateInput: object

handlerClassname: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
uuid: string

drug: object

display: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
dosageForm: string
description: string
units: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
maximumDailyDose: string
route: string
doseStrength: string
name: string
links: string
retired: string
minimumDailyDose: string
combination: string

drugCreateInput: object

display: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
dosageForm: string
description: string
units: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
maximumDailyDose: string
route: string
doseStrength: string
name: string
links: string
retired: string
minimumDailyDose: string
combination: string

drugUpdateInput: object

display: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
dosageForm: string
description: string
units: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
maximumDailyDose: string
route: string
doseStrength: string
name: string
links: string
retired: string
minimumDailyDose: string
combination: string

encounter: object

auditInfo: string
voidReason: string
provider: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
encounterRole: string
links: string
voided: string
encounter: string
uuid: string

encounterCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
voidReason: string
provider: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
encounterRole: string
links: string
voided: string
encounter: string
uuid: string

encounterrole: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

encounterroleCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

encounterroleUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

encountertype: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

encountertypeCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

encountertypeUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

encounterUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
voidReason: string
provider: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
encounterRole: string
links: string
voided: string
encounter: string
uuid: string

field: object

auditInfo: string
field: string
display: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
uuid: string

fieldCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
field: string
display: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
uuid: string

fieldtype: object

auditInfo: string
isSet: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

fieldtypeCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
isSet: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

fieldtypeUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
isSet: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

fieldUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
field: string
display: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
uuid: string

form: object

handler: string
handlerConfig: string
valueReference: string
form: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
dataType: string
name: string
links: string
uuid: string
value: string

formCreateInput: object

handler: string
handlerConfig: string
valueReference: string
form: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
dataType: string
name: string
links: string
uuid: string
value: string

formUpdateInput: object

handler: string
handlerConfig: string
valueReference: string
form: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
dataType: string
name: string
links: string
uuid: string
value: string

hl7: object

sourceKey: string
hl7: string
messageState: string
data: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
source: string
uuid: string

hl7CreateInput: object

sourceKey: string
hl7: string
messageState: string
data: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
source: string
uuid: string

hl7source: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

hl7sourceCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

hl7sourceUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

hl7UpdateInput: object

sourceKey: string
hl7: string
messageState: string
data: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
source: string
uuid: string

location: object

attributeType: string
display: string
links: string
uuid: string
value: string

locationattributetype: object

datatypeClassname: string
minOccurs: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
datatypeConfig: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
handlerConfig: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
name: string
links: string
maxOccurs: string
retired: string

locationattributetypeCreateInput: object

datatypeClassname: string
minOccurs: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
datatypeConfig: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
handlerConfig: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
name: string
links: string
maxOccurs: string
retired: string

locationattributetypeUpdateInput: object

datatypeClassname: string
minOccurs: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
datatypeConfig: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
handlerConfig: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
name: string
links: string
maxOccurs: string
retired: string

locationCreateInput: object

attributeType: string
display: string
links: string
uuid: string
value: string

locationtag: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
retireReason: string
uuid: string

locationtagCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
retireReason: string
uuid: string

locationtagUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
retireReason: string
uuid: string

locationUpdateInput: object

attributeType: string
display: string
links: string
uuid: string
value: string

obs: object

groupMembers: string
valueModifier: string
display: string
concept: string
formFieldNamespace: string
resourceVersion: string
formFieldPath: string
encounter: string
uuid: string
accessionNumber: string
auditInfo: string
obsDatetime: string
person: string
links: string
valueCodedName: string
comment: string
location: string
voided: string
value: string
obsGroup: string
order: string

obsCreateInput: object

groupMembers: string
valueModifier: string
display: string
concept: string
formFieldNamespace: string
resourceVersion: string
formFieldPath: string
encounter: string
uuid: string
accessionNumber: string
auditInfo: string
obsDatetime: string
person: string
links: string
valueCodedName: string
comment: string
location: string
voided: string
value: string
obsGroup: string
order: string

obsUpdateInput: object

groupMembers: string
valueModifier: string
display: string
concept: string
formFieldNamespace: string
resourceVersion: string
formFieldPath: string
encounter: string
uuid: string
accessionNumber: string
auditInfo: string
obsDatetime: string
person: string
links: string
valueCodedName: string
comment: string
location: string
voided: string
value: string
obsGroup: string
order: string

order: object

autoExpireDate: string
instructions: string
commentToFulfiller: string
orderNumber: string
display: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
previousOrder: string
encounter: string
type: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
orderReason: string
careSetting: string
dateStopped: string
urgency: string
patient: string
orderer: string
orderReasonNonCoded: string
action: string
links: string
dateActivated: string

orderCreateInput: object

autoExpireDate: string
instructions: string
commentToFulfiller: string
orderNumber: string
display: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
previousOrder: string
encounter: string
type: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
orderReason: string
careSetting: string
dateStopped: string
urgency: string
patient: string
orderer: string
orderReasonNonCoded: string
action: string
links: string
dateActivated: string

orderfrequency: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
frequencyPerDay: string
uuid: string

orderfrequencyCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
frequencyPerDay: string
uuid: string

orderfrequencyUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
frequencyPerDay: string
uuid: string

ordertype: object

auditInfo: string
parent: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
javaClassName: string
description: string
conceptClasses: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

ordertypeCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
parent: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
javaClassName: string
description: string
conceptClasses: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

ordertypeUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
parent: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
javaClassName: string
description: string
conceptClasses: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

orderUpdateInput: object

autoExpireDate: string
instructions: string
commentToFulfiller: string
orderNumber: string
display: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
previousOrder: string
encounter: string
type: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
orderReason: string
careSetting: string
dateStopped: string
urgency: string
patient: string
orderer: string
orderReasonNonCoded: string
action: string
links: string
dateActivated: string

patient: object

auditInfo: string
identifier: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
location: string
voided: string
identifierType: string
uuid: string
preferred: string

patientCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
identifier: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
location: string
voided: string
identifierType: string
uuid: string
preferred: string

patientidentifiertype: object

uniquenessBehavior: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
format: string
validator: string
description: string
locationBehavior: string
uuid: string
required: string
formatDescription: string
auditInfo: string
name: string
links: string
retired: string
checkDigit: string

patientidentifiertypeCreateInput: object

uniquenessBehavior: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
format: string
validator: string
description: string
locationBehavior: string
uuid: string
required: string
formatDescription: string
auditInfo: string
name: string
links: string
retired: string
checkDigit: string

patientidentifiertypeUpdateInput: object

uniquenessBehavior: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
format: string
validator: string
description: string
locationBehavior: string
uuid: string
required: string
formatDescription: string
auditInfo: string
name: string
links: string
retired: string
checkDigit: string

patientUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
identifier: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
links: string
location: string
voided: string
identifierType: string
uuid: string
preferred: string

person: object

familyName2: string
prefix: string
display: string
givenName: string
resourceVersion: string
degree: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
familyName: string
familyNamePrefix: string
links: string
middleName: string
voided: string
preferred: string
familyNameSuffix: string

personattributetype: object

display: string
resourceVersion: string
concept: string
format: string
description: string
uuid: string
sortWeight: string
searchable: string
editPrivilege: string
auditInfo: string
name: string
links: string
retired: string
foreignKey: string

personattributetypeCreateInput: object

display: string
resourceVersion: string
concept: string
format: string
description: string
uuid: string
sortWeight: string
searchable: string
editPrivilege: string
auditInfo: string
name: string
links: string
retired: string
foreignKey: string

personattributetypeUpdateInput: object

display: string
resourceVersion: string
concept: string
format: string
description: string
uuid: string
sortWeight: string
searchable: string
editPrivilege: string
auditInfo: string
name: string
links: string
retired: string
foreignKey: string

personCreateInput: object

familyName2: string
prefix: string
display: string
givenName: string
resourceVersion: string
degree: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
familyName: string
familyNamePrefix: string
links: string
middleName: string
voided: string
preferred: string
familyNameSuffix: string

personUpdateInput: object

familyName2: string
prefix: string
display: string
givenName: string
resourceVersion: string
degree: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
familyName: string
familyNamePrefix: string
links: string
middleName: string
voided: string
preferred: string
familyNameSuffix: string

privilege: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

privilegeCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

privilegeUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

problem: object

startObs: string
comments: string
endDate: string
display: string
modifier: string
resourceVersion: string
uuid: string
sortWeight: string
auditInfo: string
stopObs: string
problem: string
activeListType: string
person: string
links: string
voided: string
startDate: string

problemCreateInput: object

startObs: string
comments: string
endDate: string
display: string
modifier: string
resourceVersion: string
uuid: string
sortWeight: string
auditInfo: string
stopObs: string
problem: string
activeListType: string
person: string
links: string
voided: string
startDate: string

problemUpdateInput: object

startObs: string
comments: string
endDate: string
display: string
modifier: string
resourceVersion: string
uuid: string
sortWeight: string
auditInfo: string
stopObs: string
problem: string
activeListType: string
person: string
links: string
voided: string
startDate: string

program: object

auditInfo: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
outcomesConcept: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
allWorkflows: string
uuid: string

programCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
outcomesConcept: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
allWorkflows: string
uuid: string

programenrollment: object

auditInfo: string
patientProgram: string
endDate: string
resourceVersion: string
voided: string
links: string
state: string
uuid: string
startDate: string

programenrollmentCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
patientProgram: string
endDate: string
resourceVersion: string
voided: string
links: string
state: string
uuid: string
startDate: string

programenrollmentUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
patientProgram: string
endDate: string
resourceVersion: string
voided: string
links: string
state: string
uuid: string
startDate: string

programUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
concept: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
outcomesConcept: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
allWorkflows: string
uuid: string

provider: object

attributeType: string
display: string
links: string
uuid: string
value: string

providerattributetype: object

datatypeClassname: string
minOccurs: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
datatypeConfig: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
handlerConfig: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
name: string
links: string
maxOccurs: string
retired: string

providerattributetypeCreateInput: object

datatypeClassname: string
minOccurs: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
datatypeConfig: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
handlerConfig: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
name: string
links: string
maxOccurs: string
retired: string

providerattributetypeUpdateInput: object

datatypeClassname: string
minOccurs: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
datatypeConfig: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
handlerConfig: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
name: string
links: string
maxOccurs: string
retired: string

providerCreateInput: object

attributeType: string
display: string
links: string
uuid: string
value: string

providerUpdateInput: object

attributeType: string
display: string
links: string
uuid: string
value: string

relationship: object

personB: string
personA: string
relationshipType: string
endDate: string
voided: string
startDate: string

relationshipCreateInput: object

personB: string
personA: string
relationshipType: string
endDate: string
voided: string
startDate: string

relationshiptype: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
weight: string
links: string
retired: string
aIsToB: string
uuid: string
bIsToA: string

relationshiptypeCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
weight: string
links: string
retired: string
aIsToB: string
uuid: string
bIsToA: string

relationshiptypeUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
weight: string
links: string
retired: string
aIsToB: string
uuid: string
bIsToA: string

relationshipUpdateInput: object

personB: string
personA: string
relationshipType: string
endDate: string
voided: string
startDate: string

role: object

auditInfo: string
privileges: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
inheritedRoles: string
links: string
retired: string
allInheritedRoles: string
uuid: string

roleCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
privileges: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
inheritedRoles: string
links: string
retired: string
allInheritedRoles: string
uuid: string

roleUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
privileges: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
inheritedRoles: string
links: string
retired: string
allInheritedRoles: string
uuid: string

systemsetting: object

datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
property: string
description: string
links: string
datatypeConfig: string
uuid: string
value: string

systemsettingCreateInput: object

datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
property: string
description: string
links: string
datatypeConfig: string
uuid: string
value: string

systemsettingUpdateInput: object

datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
property: string
description: string
links: string
datatypeConfig: string
uuid: string
value: string

user: object

secretQuestion: string
privileges: string
systemId: string
display: string
roles: string
resourceVersion: string
allRoles: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
password: string
person: string
proficientLocales: string
userProperties: string
links: string
retired: string
username: string

userCreateInput: object

secretQuestion: string
privileges: string
systemId: string
display: string
roles: string
resourceVersion: string
allRoles: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
password: string
person: string
proficientLocales: string
userProperties: string
links: string
retired: string
username: string

userUpdateInput: object

secretQuestion: string
privileges: string
systemId: string
display: string
roles: string
resourceVersion: string
allRoles: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
password: string
person: string
proficientLocales: string
userProperties: string
links: string
retired: string
username: string

visit: object

attributeType: string
display: string
links: string
uuid: string
value: string

visitattributetype: object

datatypeClassname: string
minOccurs: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
datatypeConfig: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
handlerConfig: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
name: string
links: string
maxOccurs: string
retired: string

visitattributetypeCreateInput: object

datatypeClassname: string
minOccurs: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
datatypeConfig: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
handlerConfig: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
name: string
links: string
maxOccurs: string
retired: string

visitattributetypeUpdateInput: object

datatypeClassname: string
minOccurs: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
datatypeConfig: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
handlerConfig: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
name: string
links: string
maxOccurs: string
retired: string

visitCreateInput: object

attributeType: string
display: string
links: string
uuid: string
value: string

visittype: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

visittypeCreateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

visittypeUpdateInput: object

auditInfo: string
display: string
resourceVersion: string
name: string
description: string
links: string
retired: string
uuid: string

visitUpdateInput: object

attributeType: string
display: string
links: string
uuid: string
value: string

workflow: object

concept: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
retired: string
links: string
uuid: string

workflowCreateInput: object

concept: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
retired: string
links: string
uuid: string

workflowUpdateInput: object

concept: string
resourceVersion: string
description: string
retired: string
links: string
uuid: string

Component Versions

The documentation above was automatically generated from a system running the following OpenMRS components.

Component Version
openmrs-core 1.11.5 Build a0c979 2.14-SNAPSHOT.4caa4d


MPL-2.0 w/ HD © OpenMRS