OpenMRS RESTful API specification
This document is a summary of the OpenMRS API as implemented by the REST Module. More details about how to develop an API client can be found on the OpenMRS wiki.
curl -u admin:Admin123 -i 'http://localhost:8080/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/concept'
Operation | Description |
POST /allergy | Create with properties in request |
POST /allergy/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /allergy/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /allergy/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
GET /app | Fetch all non-retired |
GET /app/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping/{uuid} | Edit mapping subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping/{uuid} | Fetch mapping subresources by uuid |
DELETE /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid} | Edit name subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid} | Fetch name subresources by uuid |
DELETE /concept/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /concept/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /concept/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /concept/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/name | Create name subresource with properties in request |
GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/name | Fetch all non-retired name subresources |
POST /concept | Create with properties in request |
GET /concept | Fetch all non-retired concept resources or perform search |
POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/description/{uuid} | Edit description subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/description/{uuid} | Fetch description subresources by uuid |
DELETE /concept/{parent-uuid}/description/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/description | Create description subresource with properties in request |
GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/description | Fetch all non-retired description subresources |
POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping | Create mapping subresource with properties in request |
GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping | Fetch all non-retired mapping subresources |
Operation | Description |
POST /conceptclass/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /conceptclass/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /conceptclass/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /conceptclass | Create with properties in request |
GET /conceptclass | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
POST /conceptdatatype | Create with properties in request |
GET /conceptdatatype | Fetch all non-retired |
GET /conceptdatatype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /conceptdatatype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /conceptmaptype/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /conceptmaptype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /conceptmaptype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /conceptmaptype | Create with properties in request |
GET /conceptmaptype | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
POST /conceptreferenceterm/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /conceptreferenceterm/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /conceptreferenceterm/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /conceptreferenceterm | Create with properties in request |
GET /conceptreferenceterm | Fetch all non-retired conceptreferenceterm resources or perform search |
Operation | Description |
POST /conceptreferencetermmap/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /conceptreferencetermmap/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /conceptreferencetermmap/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /conceptreferencetermmap | Create with properties in request |
GET /conceptreferencetermmap | Search for conceptreferencetermmap |
Operation | Description |
POST /conceptsource/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /conceptsource/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /conceptsource/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /conceptsource | Create with properties in request |
GET /conceptsource | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
POST /conceptstopword/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /conceptstopword/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /conceptstopword/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /conceptstopword | Create with properties in request |
GET /conceptstopword | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
GET /customdatatype/{parent-uuid}/handlers | Fetch all non-retired handlers subresources |
GET /customdatatype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /customdatatype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
GET /customdatatype | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
GET /dhisconnector/dhiscategorycombos/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /dhisconnector/dhiscategorycombos/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook | Create with properties in request |
GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
GET /dhisconnector/dhisdataelements/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /dhisconnector/dhisdataelements/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
GET /dhisconnector/dhisdatasets | Fetch all non-retired |
GET /dhisconnector/dhisdatasets/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /dhisconnector/dhisdatasets/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets | Create with properties in request |
POST /dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /dhisconnector/mappings/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /dhisconnector/mappings/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /dhisconnector/mappings/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /dhisconnector/mappings | Create with properties in request |
GET /dhisconnector/mappings | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
GET /dhisconnector/orgunits/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /dhisconnector/orgunits/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
GET /dhisconnector/orgunits | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
GET /dhisconnector/periodindicatorreports | Fetch all non-retired |
GET /dhisconnector/periodindicatorreports/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /dhisconnector/periodindicatorreports/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /drug/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /drug/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /drug/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient/{uuid} | Edit ingredient subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient/{uuid} | Fetch ingredient subresources by uuid |
DELETE /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /drug | Create with properties in request |
GET /drug | Fetch all non-retired drug resources or perform search |
POST /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient | Create ingredient subresource with properties in request |
GET /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient | Fetch all non-retired ingredient subresources |
Operation | Description |
POST /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider | Create encounterprovider subresource with properties in request |
GET /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider | Fetch all non-retired encounterprovider subresources |
POST /encounter/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /encounter/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /encounter/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /encounter | Create with properties in request |
GET /encounter | Search for encounter |
POST /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider/{uuid} | Edit encounterprovider subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider/{uuid} | Fetch encounterprovider subresources by uuid |
DELETE /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /encounterrole | Create with properties in request |
GET /encounterrole | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /encounterrole/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /encounterrole/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /encounterrole/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /encountertype | Create with properties in request |
GET /encountertype | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /encountertype/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /encountertype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /encountertype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock | Create with properties in request |
GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
GET /extension/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /field/{parent-uuid}/answer | Create answer subresource with properties in request |
GET /field/{parent-uuid}/answer | Fetch all non-retired answer subresources |
POST /field | Create with properties in request |
GET /field | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /field/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /field/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /field/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /field/{parent-uuid}/answer/{uuid} | Edit answer subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /field/{parent-uuid}/answer/{uuid} | Fetch answer subresources by uuid |
DELETE /field/{parent-uuid}/answer/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /fieldtype | Create with properties in request |
GET /fieldtype | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /fieldtype/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /fieldtype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /fieldtype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /form/{parent-uuid}/resource | Create resource subresource with properties in request |
POST /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield/{uuid} | Edit formfield subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield/{uuid} | Fetch formfield subresources by uuid |
DELETE /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /form/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /form/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /form/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /form/{parent-uuid}/resource/{uuid} | Edit resource subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
DELETE /form/{parent-uuid}/resource/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield | Create formfield subresource with properties in request |
GET /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield | Fetch all non-retired formfield subresources |
POST /form | Create with properties in request |
GET /form | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
POST /hl7 | Create with properties in request |
Operation | Description |
POST /hl7source/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
DELETE /hl7source/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /hl7source | Create with properties in request |
Operation | Description |
POST /location | Create with properties in request |
GET /location | Fetch all non-retired location resources or perform search |
POST /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid} | Edit attribute subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid} | Fetch attribute subresources by uuid |
DELETE /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute | Create attribute subresource with properties in request |
GET /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute | Fetch all non-retired attribute subresources |
POST /location/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /location/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /location/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /locationattributetype | Create with properties in request |
GET /locationattributetype | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /locationattributetype/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /locationattributetype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /locationattributetype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /locationtag/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
DELETE /locationtag/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /locationtag | Create with properties in request |
Operation | Description |
POST /obs | Create with properties in request |
GET /obs | Search for obs |
POST /obs/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /obs/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /obs/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest | Create with properties in request |
GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
POST /order | Create with properties in request |
GET /order/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /order/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
GET /orderfrequency | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /orderfrequency/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /orderfrequency/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /orderfrequency/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /ordertype/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /ordertype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /ordertype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /ordertype | Create with properties in request |
GET /ordertype | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
POST /patient/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /patient/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /patient/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier | Create identifier subresource with properties in request |
GET /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier | Fetch all non-retired identifier subresources |
POST /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier/{uuid} | Edit identifier subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier/{uuid} | Fetch identifier subresources by uuid |
DELETE /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /patient | Create with properties in request |
GET /patient | Search for patient |
Operation | Description |
POST /patientidentifiertype/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /patientidentifiertype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /patientidentifiertype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /patientidentifiertype | Create with properties in request |
GET /patientidentifiertype | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
POST /patientprofile/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
POST /patientprofile | Create with properties in request |
Operation | Description |
POST /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute | Create attribute subresource with properties in request |
GET /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute | Fetch all non-retired attribute subresources |
POST /person/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid} | Edit name subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /person/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid} | Fetch name subresources by uuid |
DELETE /person/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /person | Create with properties in request |
POST /person/{parent-uuid}/address/{uuid} | Edit address subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /person/{parent-uuid}/address/{uuid} | Fetch address subresources by uuid |
DELETE /person/{parent-uuid}/address/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /person/{parent-uuid}/name | Create name subresource with properties in request |
GET /person/{parent-uuid}/name | Fetch all non-retired name subresources |
POST /person/{parent-uuid}/address | Create address subresource with properties in request |
GET /person/{parent-uuid}/address | Fetch all non-retired address subresources |
POST /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid} | Edit attribute subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid} | Fetch attribute subresources by uuid |
DELETE /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /person/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /person/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /person/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /personattributetype | Create with properties in request |
GET /personattributetype | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /personattributetype/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /personattributetype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /personattributetype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /personimage/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /personimage/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /personimage/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /personimage | Create with properties in request |
Operation | Description |
POST /privilege | Create with properties in request |
POST /privilege/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
DELETE /privilege/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype | Create with properties in request |
GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
POST /problem/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /problem/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /problem/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /problem | Create with properties in request |
Operation | Description |
POST /program | Create with properties in request |
GET /program | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /program/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /program/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /program/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /programenrollment/{parent-uuid}/state | Create state subresource with properties in request |
POST /programenrollment/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid} | Edit state subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /programenrollment/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid} | Fetch state subresources by uuid |
DELETE /programenrollment/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /programenrollment | Create with properties in request |
POST /programenrollment/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /programenrollment/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /programenrollment/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute | Create attribute subresource with properties in request |
GET /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute | Fetch all non-retired attribute subresources |
POST /provider/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /provider/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /provider/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid} | Edit attribute subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid} | Fetch attribute subresources by uuid |
DELETE /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /provider | Create with properties in request |
GET /provider | Fetch all non-retired provider resources or perform search |
Operation | Description |
POST /providerattributetype | Create with properties in request |
GET /providerattributetype | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /providerattributetype/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /providerattributetype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /providerattributetype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /relationship/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /relationship/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /relationship/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /relationship | Create with properties in request |
GET /relationship | Fetch all non-retired relationship resources or perform search |
Operation | Description |
POST /relationshiptype | Create with properties in request |
GET /relationshiptype | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /relationshiptype/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /relationshiptype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /relationshiptype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
GET /reportingrest/cohort/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /reportingrest/cohort/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /reportingrest/cohortDefinition/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /reportingrest/cohortDefinition/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /reportingrest/cohortDefinition/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /reportingrest/cohortDefinition | Create with properties in request |
GET /reportingrest/cohortDefinition | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
GET /reportingrest/dataSet/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /reportingrest/dataSet/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /appointmentscheduling/timeslot | Create with properties in request |
GET /appointmentscheduling/timeslot | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /appointmentscheduling/timeslot/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /appointmentscheduling/timeslot/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /appointmentscheduling/timeslot/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition | Create with properties in request |
GET /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
GET /reportingrest/reportdata/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /reportingrest/reportdata/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /reportingrest/reportDefinition | Create with properties in request |
GET /reportingrest/reportDefinition | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /reportingrest/reportDefinition/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /reportingrest/reportDefinition/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /reportingrest/reportDefinition/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
GET /reportingrest/reportRequest/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /reportingrest/reportRequest/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /role/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /role/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /role/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /role | Create with properties in request |
GET /role | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
POST /systemsetting/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /systemsetting/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /systemsetting/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /systemsetting | Create with properties in request |
GET /systemsetting | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
POST /user | Create with properties in request |
GET /user | Fetch all non-retired user resources or perform search |
POST /user/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /user/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /user/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /visit/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /visit/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /visit/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /visit | Create with properties in request |
GET /visit | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute | Create attribute subresource with properties in request |
GET /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute | Fetch all non-retired attribute subresources |
POST /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid} | Edit attribute subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid} | Fetch attribute subresources by uuid |
DELETE /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /visitattributetype/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /visitattributetype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /visitattributetype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /visitattributetype | Create with properties in request |
GET /visitattributetype | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
POST /visittype/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /visittype/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /visittype/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /visittype | Create with properties in request |
GET /visittype | Fetch all non-retired |
Operation | Description |
GET /apptemplate | Fetch all non-retired |
GET /apptemplate/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
Operation | Description |
GET /workflow/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid} | Fetch state subresources by uuid |
DELETE /workflow/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
GET /workflow/{parent-uuid}/state | Fetch all non-retired state subresources |
POST /workflow | Create with properties in request |
POST /workflow/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /workflow/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /workflow/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
GET /caresetting | Fetch all non-retired |
GET /caresetting/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /caresetting/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
Operation | Description |
POST /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member/{uuid} | Edit member subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member/{uuid} | Fetch member subresources by uuid |
DELETE /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /cohort/{uuid} | Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request |
GET /cohort/{uuid} | Fetch by uuid |
DELETE /cohort/{uuid} | Delete or purge resource by uuid |
POST /cohort | Create with properties in request |
GET /cohort | Fetch all non-retired |
POST /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member | Create member subresource with properties in request |
GET /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member | Fetch all non-retired member subresources |
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
allergy response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
allergy response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
allergy response
User not logged in
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
app response
User not logged in
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
app response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook response
User not logged in
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock response
User not logged in
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest response
User not logged in
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype response
User not logged in
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/timeslot response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/timeslot response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/timeslot response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
appointmentscheduling/timeslot response
User not logged in
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
apptemplate response
User not logged in
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
apptemplate response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
caresetting response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
caresetting response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
cohort response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
cohort response
User not logged in
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
member response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
member response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
member response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
member response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
cohort response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
cohort response
User not logged in
All search parameters are optional
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
source | query | string | ||
term | query | string | ||
q | The search query |
query | string | |
name | query | string | ||
code | Must be used with source |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
concept response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
concept response
User not logged in
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
description response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
description response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
description response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
description response
User not logged in
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
mapping response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
mapping response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
mapping response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
mapping response
User not logged in
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
name response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
name response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
name response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
name response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
concept response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
concept response
User not logged in
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
conceptclass response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
conceptclass response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
conceptclass response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
conceptclass response
User not logged in
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
conceptdatatype response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
conceptdatatype response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
conceptdatatype response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
conceptmaptype response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
conceptmaptype response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
conceptmaptype response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
conceptmaptype response
User not logged in
All search parameters are optional
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
source | query | string | ||
q | The search query |
query | string | |
name | Must be used with source |
query | string | |
code | Must be used with source |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
conceptreferenceterm response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
conceptreferenceterm response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
conceptreferenceterm response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
conceptreferenceterm response
User not logged in
At least one search parameter must be specified
to | query | string | ||
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
maps | query | string | ||
q | The search query |
query | string | |
termA | query | string | ||
termB | query | string | ||
maptype | Must be used with termB |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
conceptreferencetermmap response
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
conceptreferencetermmap response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
conceptreferencetermmap response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
conceptreferencetermmap response
User not logged in
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
conceptsource response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
conceptsource response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
conceptsource response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
conceptsource response
User not logged in
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
conceptstopword response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
conceptstopword response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
conceptstopword response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
conceptstopword response
User not logged in
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
customdatatype response
User not logged in
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
handlers response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
customdatatype response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/dhiscategorycombos response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/dhisdataelements response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/dhisdatasets response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/dhisdatasets response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets response
User not logged in
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/mappings response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/mappings response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/mappings response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/mappings response
User not logged in
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/orgunits response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/orgunits response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/periodindicatorreports response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
dhisconnector/periodindicatorreports response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
All search parameters are optional
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
source | query | string | ||
preferredMapTypes | Must be used with source |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
locale | Must be used with q |
query | string | |
code | Must be used with source |
query | string | |
exactLocale | Must be used with q |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
drug response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
application/json application/xml
drug response
User not logged in
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string | |
q | The search query |
query | string | |
limit | The number of results to return |
query | integer | |
startIndex | The offset at which to start |
query | integer |
application/json application/xml
ingredient response
User not logged in
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource to create
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
ingredient response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
ingredient response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
Uses default content-types: application/json
Resource properties to update
parent-uuid | parent resource uuid |
path | string | |
uuid | uuid of resource to update |
path | string |
application/json application/xml
ingredient response
User not logged in
The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'
uuid | uuid to delete |
path | string | |
purge | query | boolean |
application/json application/xml
Delete successful
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist
uuid | uuid to filter by |
path | string | |
v | The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom) |
query | string |
application/json application/xml
drug response
User not logged in
Resource with given uuid doesn't exist