OpenMRS API Docs v1.11.6

OpenMRS RESTful API specification


This document is a summary of the OpenMRS API as implemented by the REST Module. More details about how to develop an API client can be found on the OpenMRS wiki.



The OpenMRS API uses HTTP basic access authentication with your OpenMRS username and password. For example:

curl -u admin:Admin123 -i 'http://localhost:8080/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/concept'

Resource Summary


Operation Description
POST /allergy

Create with properties in request

POST /allergy/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /allergy/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /allergy/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
GET /app

Fetch all non-retired

GET /app/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid


Operation Description
POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping/{uuid}

Edit mapping subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping/{uuid}

Fetch mapping subresources by uuid

DELETE /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid}

Edit name subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid}

Fetch name subresources by uuid

DELETE /concept/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /concept/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /concept/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /concept/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/name

Create name subresource with properties in request

GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/name

Fetch all non-retired name subresources

POST /concept

Create with properties in request

GET /concept

Fetch all non-retired concept resources or perform search

POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/description/{uuid}

Edit description subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/description/{uuid}

Fetch description subresources by uuid

DELETE /concept/{parent-uuid}/description/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/description

Create description subresource with properties in request

GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/description

Fetch all non-retired description subresources

POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping

Create mapping subresource with properties in request

GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping

Fetch all non-retired mapping subresources


Operation Description
POST /conceptclass/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /conceptclass/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /conceptclass/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /conceptclass

Create with properties in request

GET /conceptclass

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /conceptdatatype

Create with properties in request

GET /conceptdatatype

Fetch all non-retired

GET /conceptdatatype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /conceptdatatype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /conceptmaptype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /conceptmaptype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /conceptmaptype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /conceptmaptype

Create with properties in request

GET /conceptmaptype

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /conceptreferenceterm/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /conceptreferenceterm/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /conceptreferenceterm/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /conceptreferenceterm

Create with properties in request

GET /conceptreferenceterm

Fetch all non-retired conceptreferenceterm resources or perform search


Operation Description
POST /conceptreferencetermmap/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /conceptreferencetermmap/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /conceptreferencetermmap/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /conceptreferencetermmap

Create with properties in request

GET /conceptreferencetermmap

Search for conceptreferencetermmap


Operation Description
POST /conceptsource/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /conceptsource/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /conceptsource/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /conceptsource

Create with properties in request

GET /conceptsource

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /conceptstopword/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /conceptstopword/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /conceptstopword/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /conceptstopword

Create with properties in request

GET /conceptstopword

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
GET /customdatatype/{parent-uuid}/handlers

Fetch all non-retired handlers subresources

GET /customdatatype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /customdatatype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

GET /customdatatype

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
GET /dhisconnector/dhiscategorycombos/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/dhiscategorycombos/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook

Create with properties in request

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
GET /dhisconnector/dhisdataelements/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/dhisdataelements/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
GET /dhisconnector/dhisdatasets

Fetch all non-retired

GET /dhisconnector/dhisdatasets/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/dhisdatasets/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets

Create with properties in request

POST /dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /dhisconnector/mappings/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /dhisconnector/mappings/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/mappings/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /dhisconnector/mappings

Create with properties in request

GET /dhisconnector/mappings

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
GET /dhisconnector/orgunits/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/orgunits/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

GET /dhisconnector/orgunits

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
GET /dhisconnector/periodindicatorreports

Fetch all non-retired

GET /dhisconnector/periodindicatorreports/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/periodindicatorreports/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /drug/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /drug/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /drug/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient/{uuid}

Edit ingredient subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient/{uuid}

Fetch ingredient subresources by uuid

DELETE /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /drug

Create with properties in request

GET /drug

Fetch all non-retired drug resources or perform search

POST /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient

Create ingredient subresource with properties in request

GET /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient

Fetch all non-retired ingredient subresources


Operation Description
POST /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider

Create encounterprovider subresource with properties in request

GET /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider

Fetch all non-retired encounterprovider subresources

POST /encounter/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /encounter/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /encounter/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /encounter

Create with properties in request

GET /encounter

Search for encounter

POST /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider/{uuid}

Edit encounterprovider subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider/{uuid}

Fetch encounterprovider subresources by uuid

DELETE /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /encounterrole

Create with properties in request

GET /encounterrole

Fetch all non-retired

POST /encounterrole/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /encounterrole/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /encounterrole/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /encountertype

Create with properties in request

GET /encountertype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /encountertype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /encountertype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /encountertype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock

Create with properties in request

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock

Fetch all non-retired

POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
GET /extension/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid


Operation Description
POST /field/{parent-uuid}/answer

Create answer subresource with properties in request

GET /field/{parent-uuid}/answer

Fetch all non-retired answer subresources

POST /field

Create with properties in request

GET /field

Fetch all non-retired

POST /field/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /field/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /field/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /field/{parent-uuid}/answer/{uuid}

Edit answer subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /field/{parent-uuid}/answer/{uuid}

Fetch answer subresources by uuid

DELETE /field/{parent-uuid}/answer/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /fieldtype

Create with properties in request

GET /fieldtype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /fieldtype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /fieldtype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /fieldtype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /form/{parent-uuid}/resource

Create resource subresource with properties in request

POST /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield/{uuid}

Edit formfield subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield/{uuid}

Fetch formfield subresources by uuid

DELETE /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /form/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /form/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /form/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /form/{parent-uuid}/resource/{uuid}

Edit resource subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

DELETE /form/{parent-uuid}/resource/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield

Create formfield subresource with properties in request

GET /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield

Fetch all non-retired formfield subresources

POST /form

Create with properties in request

GET /form

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /hl7

Create with properties in request


Operation Description
POST /hl7source/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

DELETE /hl7source/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /hl7source

Create with properties in request


Operation Description
POST /location

Create with properties in request

GET /location

Fetch all non-retired location resources or perform search

POST /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Edit attribute subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Fetch attribute subresources by uuid

DELETE /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Create attribute subresource with properties in request

GET /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Fetch all non-retired attribute subresources

POST /location/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /location/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /location/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /locationattributetype

Create with properties in request

GET /locationattributetype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /locationattributetype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /locationattributetype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /locationattributetype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /locationtag/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

DELETE /locationtag/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /locationtag

Create with properties in request


Operation Description
POST /obs

Create with properties in request

GET /obs

Search for obs

POST /obs/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /obs/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /obs/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest

Create with properties in request

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /order

Create with properties in request

GET /order/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /order/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
GET /orderfrequency

Fetch all non-retired

POST /orderfrequency/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /orderfrequency/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /orderfrequency/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /ordertype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /ordertype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /ordertype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /ordertype

Create with properties in request

GET /ordertype

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /patient/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /patient/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /patient/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier

Create identifier subresource with properties in request

GET /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier

Fetch all non-retired identifier subresources

POST /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier/{uuid}

Edit identifier subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier/{uuid}

Fetch identifier subresources by uuid

DELETE /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /patient

Create with properties in request

GET /patient

Search for patient


Operation Description
POST /patientidentifiertype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /patientidentifiertype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /patientidentifiertype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /patientidentifiertype

Create with properties in request

GET /patientidentifiertype

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /patientprofile/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /patientprofile

Create with properties in request


Operation Description
POST /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Create attribute subresource with properties in request

GET /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Fetch all non-retired attribute subresources

POST /person/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid}

Edit name subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /person/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid}

Fetch name subresources by uuid

DELETE /person/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /person

Create with properties in request

POST /person/{parent-uuid}/address/{uuid}

Edit address subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /person/{parent-uuid}/address/{uuid}

Fetch address subresources by uuid

DELETE /person/{parent-uuid}/address/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /person/{parent-uuid}/name

Create name subresource with properties in request

GET /person/{parent-uuid}/name

Fetch all non-retired name subresources

POST /person/{parent-uuid}/address

Create address subresource with properties in request

GET /person/{parent-uuid}/address

Fetch all non-retired address subresources

POST /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Edit attribute subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Fetch attribute subresources by uuid

DELETE /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /person/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /person/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /person/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /personattributetype

Create with properties in request

GET /personattributetype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /personattributetype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /personattributetype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /personattributetype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /personimage/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /personimage/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /personimage/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /personimage

Create with properties in request


Operation Description
POST /privilege

Create with properties in request

POST /privilege/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

DELETE /privilege/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype

Create with properties in request

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /problem/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /problem/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /problem/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /problem

Create with properties in request


Operation Description
POST /program

Create with properties in request

GET /program

Fetch all non-retired

POST /program/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /program/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /program/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /programenrollment/{parent-uuid}/state

Create state subresource with properties in request

POST /programenrollment/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid}

Edit state subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /programenrollment/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid}

Fetch state subresources by uuid

DELETE /programenrollment/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /programenrollment

Create with properties in request

POST /programenrollment/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /programenrollment/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /programenrollment/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Create attribute subresource with properties in request

GET /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Fetch all non-retired attribute subresources

POST /provider/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /provider/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /provider/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Edit attribute subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Fetch attribute subresources by uuid

DELETE /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /provider

Create with properties in request

GET /provider

Fetch all non-retired provider resources or perform search


Operation Description
POST /providerattributetype

Create with properties in request

GET /providerattributetype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /providerattributetype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /providerattributetype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /providerattributetype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /relationship/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /relationship/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /relationship/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /relationship

Create with properties in request

GET /relationship

Fetch all non-retired relationship resources or perform search


Operation Description
POST /relationshiptype

Create with properties in request

GET /relationshiptype

Fetch all non-retired

POST /relationshiptype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /relationshiptype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /relationshiptype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
GET /reportingrest/cohort/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/cohort/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /reportingrest/cohortDefinition/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /reportingrest/cohortDefinition/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/cohortDefinition/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /reportingrest/cohortDefinition

Create with properties in request

GET /reportingrest/cohortDefinition

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
GET /reportingrest/dataSet/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/dataSet/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /appointmentscheduling/timeslot

Create with properties in request

GET /appointmentscheduling/timeslot

Fetch all non-retired

POST /appointmentscheduling/timeslot/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /appointmentscheduling/timeslot/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /appointmentscheduling/timeslot/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition

Create with properties in request

GET /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
GET /reportingrest/reportdata/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/reportdata/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /reportingrest/reportDefinition

Create with properties in request

GET /reportingrest/reportDefinition

Fetch all non-retired

POST /reportingrest/reportDefinition/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /reportingrest/reportDefinition/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/reportDefinition/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
GET /reportingrest/reportRequest/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/reportRequest/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /role/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /role/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /role/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /role

Create with properties in request

GET /role

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /systemsetting/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /systemsetting/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /systemsetting/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /systemsetting

Create with properties in request

GET /systemsetting

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /user

Create with properties in request

GET /user

Fetch all non-retired user resources or perform search

POST /user/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /user/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /user/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /visit/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /visit/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /visit/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /visit

Create with properties in request

GET /visit

Fetch all non-retired

POST /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Create attribute subresource with properties in request

GET /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Fetch all non-retired attribute subresources

POST /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Edit attribute subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Fetch attribute subresources by uuid

DELETE /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /visitattributetype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /visitattributetype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /visitattributetype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /visitattributetype

Create with properties in request

GET /visitattributetype

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
POST /visittype/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /visittype/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /visittype/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /visittype

Create with properties in request

GET /visittype

Fetch all non-retired


Operation Description
GET /apptemplate

Fetch all non-retired

GET /apptemplate/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid


Operation Description
GET /workflow/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid}

Fetch state subresources by uuid

DELETE /workflow/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

GET /workflow/{parent-uuid}/state

Fetch all non-retired state subresources

POST /workflow

Create with properties in request

POST /workflow/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /workflow/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /workflow/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
GET /caresetting

Fetch all non-retired

GET /caresetting/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /caresetting/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid


Operation Description
POST /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member/{uuid}

Edit member subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member/{uuid}

Fetch member subresources by uuid

DELETE /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /cohort/{uuid}

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

GET /cohort/{uuid}

Fetch by uuid

DELETE /cohort/{uuid}

Delete or purge resource by uuid

POST /cohort

Create with properties in request

GET /cohort

Fetch all non-retired

POST /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member

Create member subresource with properties in request

GET /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member

Fetch all non-retired member subresources


Create with properties in request

POST /allergy

Resource: allergy

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

allergy response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /allergy/{uuid}

Resource: allergy

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /allergy/{uuid}

Resource: allergy

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

allergy response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /allergy/{uuid}

Resource: allergy

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

allergy response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /app

Resource: app

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

app response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch by uuid

GET /app/{uuid}

Resource: app

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

app response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch all non-retired

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentallowingoverbook

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentallowingoverbook

Uses default content-types: application/json

application/json application/xml

201 Created

appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentallowingoverbook

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentallowingoverbook

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentallowingoverbook

Uses default content-types: application/json


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

appointmentscheduling/appointmentallowingoverbook response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentblock

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentblock

Uses default content-types: application/json

application/json application/xml

201 Created

appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentblock

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentblock

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentblock

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

appointmentscheduling/appointmentblock response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentrequest

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentrequest

Uses default content-types: application/json

application/json application/xml

201 Created

appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentrequest

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentrequest

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmentrequest

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

appointmentscheduling/appointmentrequest response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmenttype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmenttype

Uses default content-types: application/json

application/json application/xml

201 Created

appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmenttype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmenttype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_appointmenttype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

appointmentscheduling/appointmenttype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /appointmentscheduling/timeslot

Resource: appointmentscheduling_timeslot

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

appointmentscheduling/timeslot response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /appointmentscheduling/timeslot

Resource: appointmentscheduling_timeslot

Uses default content-types: application/json

application/json application/xml

201 Created

appointmentscheduling/timeslot response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /appointmentscheduling/timeslot/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_timeslot

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /appointmentscheduling/timeslot/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_timeslot

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

appointmentscheduling/timeslot response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /appointmentscheduling/timeslot/{uuid}

Resource: appointmentscheduling_timeslot

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

appointmentscheduling/timeslot response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /apptemplate

Resource: apptemplate

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

apptemplate response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch by uuid

GET /apptemplate/{uuid}

Resource: apptemplate

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

apptemplate response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch all non-retired

GET /caresetting

Resource: caresetting

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

caresetting response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /caresetting/{uuid}

Resource: caresetting

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /caresetting/{uuid}

Resource: caresetting

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

caresetting response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch all non-retired

GET /cohort

Resource: cohort

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

cohort response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /cohort

Resource: cohort

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

cohort response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired member subresources

GET /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member

Resource: cohort

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

member response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create member subresource with properties in request

POST /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member

Resource: cohort

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

member response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member/{uuid}

Resource: cohort

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch member subresources by uuid

GET /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member/{uuid}

Resource: cohort

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

member response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit member subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /cohort/{parent-uuid}/member/{uuid}

Resource: cohort

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

member response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /cohort/{uuid}

Resource: cohort

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /cohort/{uuid}

Resource: cohort

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

cohort response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /cohort/{uuid}

Resource: cohort

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

cohort response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired concept resources or perform search

GET /concept

Resource: concept

All search parameters are optional


The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string
source query string
term query string

The search query

query string
name query string

Must be used with source

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

concept response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /concept

Resource: concept

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

concept response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired description subresources

GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/description

Resource: concept

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

description response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create description subresource with properties in request

POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/description

Resource: concept

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

description response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /concept/{parent-uuid}/description/{uuid}

Resource: concept

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch description subresources by uuid

GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/description/{uuid}

Resource: concept

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

description response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit description subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/description/{uuid}

Resource: concept

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

description response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired mapping subresources

GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping

Resource: concept

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

mapping response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create mapping subresource with properties in request

POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping

Resource: concept

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

mapping response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping/{uuid}

Resource: concept

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch mapping subresources by uuid

GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping/{uuid}

Resource: concept

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

mapping response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit mapping subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/mapping/{uuid}

Resource: concept

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

mapping response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired name subresources

GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/name

Resource: concept

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

name response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create name subresource with properties in request

POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/name

Resource: concept

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

name response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /concept/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid}

Resource: concept

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch name subresources by uuid

GET /concept/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid}

Resource: concept

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

name response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit name subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /concept/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid}

Resource: concept

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

name response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /concept/{uuid}

Resource: concept

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /concept/{uuid}

Resource: concept

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

concept response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /concept/{uuid}

Resource: concept

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

concept response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /conceptclass

Resource: conceptclass

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptclass response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /conceptclass

Resource: conceptclass

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

conceptclass response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /conceptclass/{uuid}

Resource: conceptclass

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /conceptclass/{uuid}

Resource: conceptclass

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptclass response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /conceptclass/{uuid}

Resource: conceptclass

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

conceptclass response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /conceptdatatype

Resource: conceptdatatype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptdatatype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /conceptdatatype

Resource: conceptdatatype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

conceptdatatype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /conceptdatatype/{uuid}

Resource: conceptdatatype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /conceptdatatype/{uuid}

Resource: conceptdatatype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptdatatype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch all non-retired

GET /conceptmaptype

Resource: conceptmaptype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptmaptype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /conceptmaptype

Resource: conceptmaptype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

conceptmaptype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /conceptmaptype/{uuid}

Resource: conceptmaptype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /conceptmaptype/{uuid}

Resource: conceptmaptype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptmaptype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /conceptmaptype/{uuid}

Resource: conceptmaptype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

conceptmaptype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired conceptreferenceterm resources or perform search

GET /conceptreferenceterm

Resource: conceptreferenceterm

All search parameters are optional


The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string
source query string

The search query

query string

Must be used with source

query string

Must be used with source

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptreferenceterm response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /conceptreferenceterm

Resource: conceptreferenceterm

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

conceptreferenceterm response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /conceptreferenceterm/{uuid}

Resource: conceptreferenceterm

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /conceptreferenceterm/{uuid}

Resource: conceptreferenceterm

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptreferenceterm response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /conceptreferenceterm/{uuid}

Resource: conceptreferenceterm

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

conceptreferenceterm response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Search for conceptreferencetermmap

GET /conceptreferencetermmap

Resource: conceptreferencetermmap

At least one search parameter must be specified

to query string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string
maps query string

The search query

query string
termA query string
termB query string

Must be used with termB

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptreferencetermmap response

Create with properties in request

POST /conceptreferencetermmap

Resource: conceptreferencetermmap

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

conceptreferencetermmap response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /conceptreferencetermmap/{uuid}

Resource: conceptreferencetermmap

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /conceptreferencetermmap/{uuid}

Resource: conceptreferencetermmap

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptreferencetermmap response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /conceptreferencetermmap/{uuid}

Resource: conceptreferencetermmap

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

conceptreferencetermmap response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /conceptsource

Resource: conceptsource

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptsource response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /conceptsource

Resource: conceptsource

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

conceptsource response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /conceptsource/{uuid}

Resource: conceptsource

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /conceptsource/{uuid}

Resource: conceptsource

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptsource response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /conceptsource/{uuid}

Resource: conceptsource

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

conceptsource response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /conceptstopword

Resource: conceptstopword

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptstopword response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /conceptstopword

Resource: conceptstopword

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

conceptstopword response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /conceptstopword/{uuid}

Resource: conceptstopword

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /conceptstopword/{uuid}

Resource: conceptstopword

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

conceptstopword response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /conceptstopword/{uuid}

Resource: conceptstopword

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

conceptstopword response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /customdatatype

Resource: customdatatype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

customdatatype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired handlers subresources

GET /customdatatype/{parent-uuid}/handlers

Resource: customdatatype

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

handlers response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /customdatatype/{uuid}

Resource: customdatatype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /customdatatype/{uuid}

Resource: customdatatype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

customdatatype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/dhiscategorycombos/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_dhiscategorycombos

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /dhisconnector/dhiscategorycombos/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_dhiscategorycombos

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

dhisconnector/dhiscategorycombos response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/dhisdataelements/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_dhisdataelements

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /dhisconnector/dhisdataelements/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_dhisdataelements

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

dhisconnector/dhisdataelements response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch all non-retired

GET /dhisconnector/dhisdatasets

Resource: dhisconnector_dhisdatasets

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

dhisconnector/dhisdatasets response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/dhisdatasets/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_dhisdatasets

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /dhisconnector/dhisdatasets/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_dhisdatasets

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

dhisconnector/dhisdatasets response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Create with properties in request

POST /dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets

Resource: dhisconnector_dhisdatavaluesets

Uses default content-types: application/json

application/json application/xml

201 Created

dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_dhisdatavaluesets

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_dhisdatavaluesets

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_dhisdatavaluesets

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

dhisconnector/dhisdatavaluesets response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /dhisconnector/mappings

Resource: dhisconnector_mappings

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

dhisconnector/mappings response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /dhisconnector/mappings

Resource: dhisconnector_mappings

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

dhisconnector/mappings response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/mappings/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_mappings

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /dhisconnector/mappings/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_mappings

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

dhisconnector/mappings response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /dhisconnector/mappings/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_mappings

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

dhisconnector/mappings response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /dhisconnector/orgunits

Resource: dhisconnector_orgunits

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

dhisconnector/orgunits response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/orgunits/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_orgunits

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /dhisconnector/orgunits/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_orgunits

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

dhisconnector/orgunits response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch all non-retired

GET /dhisconnector/periodindicatorreports

Resource: dhisconnector_periodindicatorreports

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

dhisconnector/periodindicatorreports response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /dhisconnector/periodindicatorreports/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_periodindicatorreports

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /dhisconnector/periodindicatorreports/{uuid}

Resource: dhisconnector_periodindicatorreports

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

dhisconnector/periodindicatorreports response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch all non-retired drug resources or perform search

GET /drug

Resource: drug

All search parameters are optional


The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string
source query string

Must be used with source

query string

The search query

query string

Must be used with q

query string

Must be used with source

query string

Must be used with q

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

drug response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /drug

Resource: drug

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

drug response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired ingredient subresources

GET /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient

Resource: drug

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

ingredient response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create ingredient subresource with properties in request

POST /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient

Resource: drug

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

ingredient response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient/{uuid}

Resource: drug

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch ingredient subresources by uuid

GET /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient/{uuid}

Resource: drug

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

ingredient response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit ingredient subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /drug/{parent-uuid}/ingredient/{uuid}

Resource: drug

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

ingredient response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /drug/{uuid}

Resource: drug

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /drug/{uuid}

Resource: drug

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

drug response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /drug/{uuid}

Resource: drug

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

drug response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Search for encounter

GET /encounter

Resource: encounter

At least one search parameter must be specified


The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string
patient query string

Must be used with patient or encounterType

query string

The search query

query string

Must be used with patient or encounterType

query string

Must be used with patient or encounterType

query string
encounterType query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

encounter response

Create with properties in request

POST /encounter

Resource: encounter

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

encounter response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired encounterprovider subresources

GET /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider

Resource: encounter

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

encounterprovider response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create encounterprovider subresource with properties in request

POST /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider

Resource: encounter

Uses default content-types: application/json


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

encounterprovider response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider/{uuid}

Resource: encounter

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch encounterprovider subresources by uuid

GET /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider/{uuid}

Resource: encounter

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

encounterprovider response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit encounterprovider subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /encounter/{parent-uuid}/encounterprovider/{uuid}

Resource: encounter

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

encounterprovider response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /encounter/{uuid}

Resource: encounter

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /encounter/{uuid}

Resource: encounter

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

encounter response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /encounter/{uuid}

Resource: encounter

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

encounter response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /encounterrole

Resource: encounterrole

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

encounterrole response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /encounterrole

Resource: encounterrole

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

encounterrole response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /encounterrole/{uuid}

Resource: encounterrole

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /encounterrole/{uuid}

Resource: encounterrole

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

encounterrole response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /encounterrole/{uuid}

Resource: encounterrole

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

encounterrole response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /encountertype

Resource: encountertype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

encountertype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /encountertype

Resource: encountertype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

encountertype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /encountertype/{uuid}

Resource: encountertype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /encountertype/{uuid}

Resource: encountertype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

encountertype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /encountertype/{uuid}

Resource: encountertype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

encountertype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch by uuid

GET /extension/{uuid}

Resource: extension

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

extension response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch all non-retired

GET /field

Resource: field

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

field response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /field

Resource: field

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

field response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired answer subresources

GET /field/{parent-uuid}/answer

Resource: field

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

answer response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create answer subresource with properties in request

POST /field/{parent-uuid}/answer

Resource: field

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

answer response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /field/{parent-uuid}/answer/{uuid}

Resource: field

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch answer subresources by uuid

GET /field/{parent-uuid}/answer/{uuid}

Resource: field

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

answer response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit answer subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /field/{parent-uuid}/answer/{uuid}

Resource: field

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

answer response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /field/{uuid}

Resource: field

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /field/{uuid}

Resource: field

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

field response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /field/{uuid}

Resource: field

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

field response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /fieldtype

Resource: fieldtype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

fieldtype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /fieldtype

Resource: fieldtype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

fieldtype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /fieldtype/{uuid}

Resource: fieldtype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /fieldtype/{uuid}

Resource: fieldtype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

fieldtype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /fieldtype/{uuid}

Resource: fieldtype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

fieldtype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /form

Resource: form

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

form response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /form

Resource: form

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

form response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired formfield subresources

GET /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield

Resource: form

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

formfield response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create formfield subresource with properties in request

POST /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield

Resource: form

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

formfield response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield/{uuid}

Resource: form

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch formfield subresources by uuid

GET /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield/{uuid}

Resource: form

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

formfield response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit formfield subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /form/{parent-uuid}/formfield/{uuid}

Resource: form

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

formfield response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create resource subresource with properties in request

POST /form/{parent-uuid}/resource

Resource: form

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

resource response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /form/{parent-uuid}/resource/{uuid}

Resource: form

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit resource subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /form/{parent-uuid}/resource/{uuid}

Resource: form

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

resource response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /form/{uuid}

Resource: form

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /form/{uuid}

Resource: form

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

form response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /form/{uuid}

Resource: form

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

form response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /hl7

Resource: hl7

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

hl7 response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /hl7source

Resource: hl7source

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

hl7source response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /hl7source/{uuid}

Resource: hl7source

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /hl7source/{uuid}

Resource: hl7source

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

hl7source response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired location resources or perform search

GET /location

Resource: location

All search parameters are optional


The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string
tag query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

location response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /location

Resource: location

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

location response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired attribute subresources

GET /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Resource: location

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create attribute subresource with properties in request

POST /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Resource: location

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Resource: location

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch attribute subresources by uuid

GET /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Resource: location

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit attribute subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /location/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Resource: location

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /location/{uuid}

Resource: location

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /location/{uuid}

Resource: location

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

location response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /location/{uuid}

Resource: location

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

location response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /locationattributetype

Resource: locationattributetype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

locationattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /locationattributetype

Resource: locationattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

locationattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /locationattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: locationattributetype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /locationattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: locationattributetype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

locationattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /locationattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: locationattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

locationattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /locationtag

Resource: locationtag

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

locationtag response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /locationtag/{uuid}

Resource: locationtag

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /locationtag/{uuid}

Resource: locationtag

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

locationtag response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Search for obs

GET /obs

Resource: obs

At least one search parameter must be specified


The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string
concept query string
patient query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

obs response

Create with properties in request

POST /obs

Resource: obs

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

obs response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /obs/{uuid}

Resource: obs

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /obs/{uuid}

Resource: obs

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

obs response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /obs/{uuid}

Resource: obs

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

obs response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /order

Resource: order

Certain properties may be required depending on type

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

order response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /order/{uuid}

Resource: order

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /order/{uuid}

Resource: order

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

order response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch all non-retired

GET /orderfrequency

Resource: orderfrequency

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

orderfrequency response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /orderfrequency/{uuid}

Resource: orderfrequency

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /orderfrequency/{uuid}

Resource: orderfrequency

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

orderfrequency response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /orderfrequency/{uuid}

Resource: orderfrequency

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

orderfrequency response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /ordertype

Resource: ordertype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

ordertype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /ordertype

Resource: ordertype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

ordertype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /ordertype/{uuid}

Resource: ordertype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /ordertype/{uuid}

Resource: ordertype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

ordertype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /ordertype/{uuid}

Resource: ordertype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

ordertype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Search for patient

GET /patient

Resource: patient

At least one search parameter must be specified


The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string
lastviewed query string
identifier query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

patient response

Create with properties in request

POST /patient

Resource: patient

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

patient response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired identifier subresources

GET /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier

Resource: patient

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

identifier response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create identifier subresource with properties in request

POST /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier

Resource: patient

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

identifier response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier/{uuid}

Resource: patient

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch identifier subresources by uuid

GET /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier/{uuid}

Resource: patient

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

identifier response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit identifier subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /patient/{parent-uuid}/identifier/{uuid}

Resource: patient

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

identifier response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /patient/{uuid}

Resource: patient

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /patient/{uuid}

Resource: patient

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

patient response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /patient/{uuid}

Resource: patient

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

patient response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /patientidentifiertype

Resource: patientidentifiertype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

patientidentifiertype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /patientidentifiertype

Resource: patientidentifiertype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

patientidentifiertype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /patientidentifiertype/{uuid}

Resource: patientidentifiertype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /patientidentifiertype/{uuid}

Resource: patientidentifiertype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

patientidentifiertype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /patientidentifiertype/{uuid}

Resource: patientidentifiertype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

patientidentifiertype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /patientprofile

Resource: patientprofile

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

patientprofile response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /patientprofile/{uuid}

Resource: patientprofile

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

patientprofile response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /person

Resource: person

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

person response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired address subresources

GET /person/{parent-uuid}/address

Resource: person

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

address response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create address subresource with properties in request

POST /person/{parent-uuid}/address

Resource: person

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

address response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /person/{parent-uuid}/address/{uuid}

Resource: person

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch address subresources by uuid

GET /person/{parent-uuid}/address/{uuid}

Resource: person

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

address response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit address subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /person/{parent-uuid}/address/{uuid}

Resource: person

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

address response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired attribute subresources

GET /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Resource: person

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create attribute subresource with properties in request

POST /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Resource: person

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Resource: person

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch attribute subresources by uuid

GET /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Resource: person

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit attribute subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /person/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Resource: person

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired name subresources

GET /person/{parent-uuid}/name

Resource: person

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

name response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create name subresource with properties in request

POST /person/{parent-uuid}/name

Resource: person

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

name response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /person/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid}

Resource: person

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch name subresources by uuid

GET /person/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid}

Resource: person

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

name response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit name subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /person/{parent-uuid}/name/{uuid}

Resource: person

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

name response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /person/{uuid}

Resource: person

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /person/{uuid}

Resource: person

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

person response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /person/{uuid}

Resource: person

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

person response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /personattributetype

Resource: personattributetype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

personattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /personattributetype

Resource: personattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

personattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /personattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: personattributetype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /personattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: personattributetype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

personattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /personattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: personattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

personattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /personimage

Resource: personimage

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

personimage response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /personimage/{uuid}

Resource: personimage

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /personimage/{uuid}

Resource: personimage

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

personimage response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /personimage/{uuid}

Resource: personimage

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

personimage response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /privilege

Resource: privilege

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

privilege response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /privilege/{uuid}

Resource: privilege

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /privilege/{uuid}

Resource: privilege

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

privilege response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /problem

Resource: problem

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

problem response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /problem/{uuid}

Resource: problem

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /problem/{uuid}

Resource: problem

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

problem response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /problem/{uuid}

Resource: problem

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

problem response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /program

Resource: program

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

program response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /program

Resource: program

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

program response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /program/{uuid}

Resource: program

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /program/{uuid}

Resource: program

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

program response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /program/{uuid}

Resource: program

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

program response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /programenrollment

Resource: programenrollment

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

programenrollment response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create state subresource with properties in request

POST /programenrollment/{parent-uuid}/state

Resource: programenrollment

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

state response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /programenrollment/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid}

Resource: programenrollment

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch state subresources by uuid

GET /programenrollment/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid}

Resource: programenrollment

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

state response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit state subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /programenrollment/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid}

Resource: programenrollment

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

state response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /programenrollment/{uuid}

Resource: programenrollment

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /programenrollment/{uuid}

Resource: programenrollment

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

programenrollment response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /programenrollment/{uuid}

Resource: programenrollment

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

programenrollment response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired provider resources or perform search

GET /provider

Resource: provider

All search parameters are optional


The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string
user query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

provider response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /provider

Resource: provider

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

provider response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired attribute subresources

GET /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Resource: provider

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create attribute subresource with properties in request

POST /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Resource: provider

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Resource: provider

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch attribute subresources by uuid

GET /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Resource: provider

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit attribute subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /provider/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Resource: provider

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /provider/{uuid}

Resource: provider

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /provider/{uuid}

Resource: provider

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

provider response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /provider/{uuid}

Resource: provider

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

provider response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /providerattributetype

Resource: providerattributetype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

providerattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /providerattributetype

Resource: providerattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

providerattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /providerattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: providerattributetype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /providerattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: providerattributetype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

providerattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /providerattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: providerattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

providerattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired relationship resources or perform search

GET /relationship

Resource: relationship

All search parameters are optional


The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string
relatedPerson query string
person query string

The search query

query string
relation query string
personA query string
personB query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

relationship response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /relationship

Resource: relationship

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

relationship response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /relationship/{uuid}

Resource: relationship

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /relationship/{uuid}

Resource: relationship

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

relationship response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /relationship/{uuid}

Resource: relationship

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

relationship response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /relationshiptype

Resource: relationshiptype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

relationshiptype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /relationshiptype

Resource: relationshiptype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

relationshiptype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /relationshiptype/{uuid}

Resource: relationshiptype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /relationshiptype/{uuid}

Resource: relationshiptype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

relationshiptype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /relationshiptype/{uuid}

Resource: relationshiptype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

relationshiptype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/cohort/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_cohort

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /reportingrest/cohort/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_cohort

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

reportingrest/cohort response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch all non-retired

GET /reportingrest/cohortDefinition

Resource: reportingrest_cohortDefinition

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

reportingrest/cohortDefinition response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /reportingrest/cohortDefinition

Resource: reportingrest_cohortDefinition

Uses default content-types: application/json

application/json application/xml

201 Created

reportingrest/cohortDefinition response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/cohortDefinition/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_cohortDefinition

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /reportingrest/cohortDefinition/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_cohortDefinition

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

reportingrest/cohortDefinition response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /reportingrest/cohortDefinition/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_cohortDefinition

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

reportingrest/cohortDefinition response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/dataSet/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_dataSet

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /reportingrest/dataSet/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_dataSet

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

reportingrest/dataSet response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch all non-retired

GET /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition

Resource: reportingrest_dataSetDefinition

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

reportingrest/dataSetDefinition response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition

Resource: reportingrest_dataSetDefinition

Uses default content-types: application/json

application/json application/xml

201 Created

reportingrest/dataSetDefinition response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_dataSetDefinition

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_dataSetDefinition

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

reportingrest/dataSetDefinition response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /reportingrest/dataSetDefinition/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_dataSetDefinition

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

reportingrest/dataSetDefinition response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/reportdata/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_reportdata

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /reportingrest/reportdata/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_reportdata

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

reportingrest/reportdata response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch all non-retired

GET /reportingrest/reportDefinition

Resource: reportingrest_reportDefinition

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

reportingrest/reportDefinition response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /reportingrest/reportDefinition

Resource: reportingrest_reportDefinition

Uses default content-types: application/json

application/json application/xml

201 Created

reportingrest/reportDefinition response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/reportDefinition/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_reportDefinition

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /reportingrest/reportDefinition/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_reportDefinition

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

reportingrest/reportDefinition response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /reportingrest/reportDefinition/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_reportDefinition

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

reportingrest/reportDefinition response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /reportingrest/reportRequest/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_reportRequest

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /reportingrest/reportRequest/{uuid}

Resource: reportingrest_reportRequest

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

reportingrest/reportRequest response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch all non-retired

GET /role

Resource: role

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

role response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /role

Resource: role

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

role response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /role/{uuid}

Resource: role

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /role/{uuid}

Resource: role

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

role response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /role/{uuid}

Resource: role

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

role response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /systemsetting

Resource: systemsetting

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

systemsetting response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /systemsetting

Resource: systemsetting

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

systemsetting response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /systemsetting/{uuid}

Resource: systemsetting

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /systemsetting/{uuid}

Resource: systemsetting

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

systemsetting response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /systemsetting/{uuid}

Resource: systemsetting

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

systemsetting response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired user resources or perform search

GET /user

Resource: user

All search parameters are optional


The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string
username query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

user response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /user

Resource: user

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

user response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /user/{uuid}

Resource: user

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /user/{uuid}

Resource: user

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

user response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /user/{uuid}

Resource: user

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

user response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /visit

Resource: visit

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

visit response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /visit

Resource: visit

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

visit response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired attribute subresources

GET /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Resource: visit

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create attribute subresource with properties in request

POST /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute

Resource: visit

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create


parent resource uuid

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Resource: visit

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch attribute subresources by uuid

GET /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Resource: visit

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit attribute subresource with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /visit/{parent-uuid}/attribute/{uuid}

Resource: visit

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

attribute response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /visit/{uuid}

Resource: visit

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /visit/{uuid}

Resource: visit

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

visit response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /visit/{uuid}

Resource: visit

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

visit response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /visitattributetype

Resource: visitattributetype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

visitattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /visitattributetype

Resource: visitattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

visitattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /visitattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: visitattributetype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /visitattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: visitattributetype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

visitattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /visitattributetype/{uuid}

Resource: visitattributetype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

visitattributetype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired

GET /visittype

Resource: visittype

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

visittype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /visittype

Resource: visittype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

visittype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /visittype/{uuid}

Resource: visittype

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /visittype/{uuid}

Resource: visittype

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

visittype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /visittype/{uuid}

Resource: visittype

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

visittype response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Create with properties in request

POST /workflow

Resource: workflow

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource to create

application/json application/xml

201 Created

workflow response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Fetch all non-retired state subresources

GET /workflow/{parent-uuid}/state

Resource: workflow

parent resource uuid

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

The search query

query string

The number of results to return

query integer

The offset at which to start

query integer

application/json application/xml

200 OK

state response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /workflow/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid}

Resource: workflow

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch state subresources by uuid

GET /workflow/{parent-uuid}/state/{uuid}

Resource: workflow

parent resource uuid

path string

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

state response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Delete or purge resource by uuid

DELETE /workflow/{uuid}

Resource: workflow

The resource will be voided/retired unless purge = 'true'


uuid to delete

path string
purge query boolean

application/json application/xml

204 No Content

Delete successful

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Fetch by uuid

GET /workflow/{uuid}

Resource: workflow

uuid to filter by

path string

The representation to return (ref, default, full or custom)

query string

application/json application/xml

200 OK

workflow response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

404 Not Found

Resource with given uuid doesn't exist

Edit with given uuid, only modifying properties in request

POST /workflow/{uuid}

Resource: workflow

Uses default content-types: application/json

Resource properties to update


uuid of resource to update

path string

application/json application/xml

201 Created

workflow response

401 Unauthorized

User not logged in

Schema definitions

AllergyCreate: object

reaction: string
startDate: string
allergen: string
person: string
stopObs: string
startObs: string
allergyType: string
severity: string
comments: string

AllergyGet: object

reaction: string
startDate: string
allergen: string
person: string
startObs: string
stopObs: string
allergyType: string
severity: string
display: string
endDate: string
voided: string
uuid: string
activeListType: string
comments: string
auditInfo: string

AllergyUpdate: object

reaction: string
startDate: string
allergen: string
person: string
stopObs: string
startObs: string
allergyType: string
severity: string
comments: string

AppGet: object

display: string
uuid: string

AppointmentschedulingAppointmentallowingoverbookCreate: object

patient: string
reason: string
status: string
visit: string
appointmentType: string
cancelReason: string
timeSlot: string

AppointmentschedulingAppointmentallowingoverbookGet: object

patient: string
reason: string
status: string
voided: string
visit: string
display: string
uuid: string
appointmentType: string
auditInfo: string
cancelReason: string
timeSlot: string

AppointmentschedulingAppointmentallowingoverbookUpdate: object

reason: string
status: string
visit: string
cancelReason: string

AppointmentschedulingAppointmentblockCreate: object

startDate: string
location: string
provider: string
endDate: string
types: string

AppointmentschedulingAppointmentblockGet: object

startDate: string
location: string
voided: string
provider: string
endDate: string
display: string
uuid: string
types: string
auditInfo: string

AppointmentschedulingAppointmentblockUpdate: object

startDate: string
location: string
provider: string
endDate: string
types: string

AppointmentschedulingAppointmentrequestCreate: object

maxTimeFrameUnits: string
patient: string
maxTimeFrameValue: string
minTimeFrameValue: string
status: string
provider: string
notes: string
requestedOn: string
appointmentType: string
minTimeFrameUnits: string
requestedBy: string

AppointmentschedulingAppointmentrequestGet: object

status: string
minTimeFrameValue: string
display: string
provider: string
requestedOn: string
minTimeFrameUnits: string
patient: string
maxTimeFrameUnits: string
maxTimeFrameValue: string
voided: string
uuid: string
notes: string
appointmentType: string
auditInfo: string
requestedBy: string

AppointmentschedulingAppointmentrequestUpdate: object

maxTimeFrameUnits: string
patient: string
maxTimeFrameValue: string
minTimeFrameValue: string
status: string
provider: string
notes: string
requestedOn: string
appointmentType: string
minTimeFrameUnits: string
requestedBy: string

AppointmentschedulingAppointmenttypeCreate: object

duration: string
description: string
name: string
confidential: string

AppointmentschedulingAppointmenttypeGet: object

duration: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
confidential: string

AppointmentschedulingAppointmenttypeUpdate: object

duration: string
description: string
name: string
confidential: string

AppointmentschedulingTimeslotCreate: object

startDate: string
endDate: string
appointmentBlock: string

AppointmentschedulingTimeslotGet: object

startDate: string
voided: string
countOfAppointments: string
unallocatedMinutes: string
endDate: string
display: string
appointmentBlock: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

AppointmentschedulingTimeslotUpdate: object

startDate: string
endDate: string
appointmentBlock: string

ApptemplateGet: object

display: string
uuid: string

CaresettingGet: object

description: string
name: string
careSettingType: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

CohortCreate: object

memberIds: string
description: string
name: string

CohortGet: object

memberIds: string
voided: string
description: string
name: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

CohortMemberCreate: object

patient: string

CohortMemberGet: object

patient: string
display: string

CohortMemberUpdate: object

patient: string

CohortUpdate: object

description: string
name: string

ConceptclassCreate: object

description: string
name: string

ConceptclassGet: object

description: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

ConceptclassUpdate: object

description: string
name: string

ConceptCreate: object

allowDecimal: string
conceptClass: string
set: string
lowCritical: string
answers: string
hiNormal: string
displayPrecision: string
units: string
lowNormal: string
descriptions: string
version: string
hiCritical: string
lowAbsolute: string
hiAbsolute: string
names: string
mappings: string
datatype: string
setMembers: string

ConceptdatatypeCreate: object

description: string
name: string

ConceptdatatypeGet: object

description: string
name: string
retired: string
hl7Abbreviation: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

ConceptDescriptionCreate: object

description: string
locale: string

ConceptDescriptionGet: object

description: string
locale: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

ConceptDescriptionUpdate: object

description: string
locale: string

ConceptGet: object

conceptClass: string
set: string
retired: string
answers: string
display: string
descriptions: string
version: string
names: string
name: string
mappings: string
uuid: string
datatype: string
setMembers: string

ConceptMappingCreate: object

conceptMapType: string
conceptReferenceTerm: string

ConceptMappingGet: object

conceptMapType: string
conceptReferenceTerm: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

ConceptMappingUpdate: object

conceptMapType: string
conceptReferenceTerm: string

ConceptmaptypeCreate: object

isHidden: string
description: string
name: string

ConceptmaptypeGet: object

isHidden: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

ConceptmaptypeUpdate: object

isHidden: string
description: string
name: string

ConceptNameCreate: object

conceptNameType: string
locale: string
name: string
localePreferred: string

ConceptNameGet: object

conceptNameType: string
locale: string
name: string
localePreferred: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

ConceptNameUpdate: object

conceptNameType: string
locale: string
name: string
localePreferred: string

ConceptreferencetermCreate: object

conceptSource: string
description: string
name: string
code: string
version: string

ConceptreferencetermGet: object

conceptSource: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
code: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
version: string

ConceptreferencetermmapCreate: object

conceptMapType: string
termA: string
termB: string

ConceptreferencetermmapGet: object

conceptMapType: string
termA: string
termB: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

ConceptreferencetermmapUpdate: object

conceptMapType: string
termA: string
termB: string

ConceptreferencetermUpdate: object

conceptSource: string
description: string
name: string
code: string
version: string

ConceptsourceCreate: object

hl7Code: string
description: string
name: string

ConceptsourceGet: object

hl7Code: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

ConceptsourceUpdate: object

hl7Code: string
description: string
name: string

ConceptstopwordCreate: object

locale: string
value: string

ConceptstopwordGet: object

locale: string
value: string
display: string
uuid: string

ConceptstopwordUpdate: object

locale: string
value: string

ConceptUpdate: object

allowDecimal: string
conceptClass: string
set: string
lowCritical: string
answers: string
hiNormal: string
displayPrecision: string
units: string
lowNormal: string
version: string
hiCritical: string
lowAbsolute: string
hiAbsolute: string
name: string
mappings: string
datatype: string
setMembers: string

CustomdatatypeGet: object

datatypeClassname: string
display: string
uuid: string
handlers: string

CustomdatatypeHandlersGet: object

handlerClassname: string
display: string
uuid: string

DhisconnectorDhiscategorycombosGet: object

id: string
name: string
categories: string
categoryOptionCombos: string

DhisconnectorDhisdataelementsGet: object

id: string
categoryCombo: string
name: string

DhisconnectorDhisdatasetsGet: object

id: string
categoryCombo: string
dataElements: string
periodType: string
name: string
code: string

DhisconnectorDhisdatavaluesetsCreate: object

dataValues: string
orgUnit: string
period: string
dataSet: string

DhisconnectorDhisdatavaluesetsGet: object

dataValues: string
orgUnit: string
period: string
dataSet: string

DhisconnectorDhisdatavaluesetsUpdate: object

dataValues: string
orgUnit: string
period: string
dataSet: string

DhisconnectorMappingsCreate: object

dataSetUID: string
created: string
periodType: string
name: string
periodIndicatorReportGUID: string
elements: string

DhisconnectorMappingsGet: object

dataSetUID: string
created: string
periodType: string
name: string
periodIndicatorReportGUID: string
elements: string

DhisconnectorMappingsUpdate: object

dataSetUID: string
created: string
periodType: string
name: string
periodIndicatorReportGUID: string
elements: string

DhisconnectorOrgunitsGet: object

id: string
created: string
name: string
lastUpdated: string
code: string

DhisconnectorPeriodindicatorreportsGet: object

schema: string
name: string
uuid: string

DrugCreate: object

ingredients: string
concept: string
maximumDailyDose: string
strength: string
route: string
description: string
name: string
combination: string
doseStrength: string
dosageForm: string
units: string
minimumDailyDose: string

DrugGet: object

concept: string
strength: string
retired: string
doseStrength: string
display: string
units: string
ingredients: string
maximumDailyDose: string
route: string
description: string
name: string
combination: string
uuid: string
dosageForm: string
auditInfo: string
minimumDailyDose: string

DrugIngredientCreate: object

strength: string
ingredient: string
units: string

DrugIngredientGet: object

strength: string
ingredient: string
display: string
uuid: string
units: string

DrugIngredientUpdate: object

strength: string
ingredient: string
units: string

DrugUpdate: object

concept: string
maximumDailyDose: string
strength: string
route: string
description: string
name: string
combination: string
doseStrength: string
dosageForm: string
units: string
minimumDailyDose: string

EncounterCreate: object

obs: string
patient: string
form: string
location: string
visit: string
orders: string
provider: string
encounterProviders: string
encounterType: string
encounterDatetime: string

EncounterEncounterproviderCreate: object

encounterRole: string
provider: string
encounter: string

EncounterEncounterproviderGet: object

encounterRole: string
voided: string
provider: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

EncounterEncounterproviderUpdate: object

encounterRole: string
voided: string
voidReason: string

EncounterGet: object

obs: string
patient: string
form: string
location: string
voided: string
visit: string
orders: string
display: string
uuid: string
encounterProviders: string
auditInfo: string
encounterType: string
encounterDatetime: string

EncounterroleCreate: object

description: string
name: string

EncounterroleGet: object

description: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

EncounterroleUpdate: object

description: string
name: string

EncountertypeCreate: object

description: string
name: string

EncountertypeGet: object

description: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

EncountertypeUpdate: object

description: string
name: string

EncounterUpdate: object

obs: string
patient: string
form: string
location: string
visit: string
orders: string
provider: string
encounterProviders: string
encounterType: string
encounterDatetime: string

ExtensionGet: object

display: string
uuid: string

FieldAnswerCreate: object

field: string
concept: string

FieldAnswerGet: object

field: string
concept: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

FieldAnswerUpdate: object

field: string
concept: string

FieldCreate: object

attributeName: string
concept: string
selectMultiple: string
tableName: string
fieldType: string
description: string
name: string
defaultValue: string

FieldGet: object

attributeName: string
concept: string
selectMultiple: string
tableName: string
fieldType: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
defaultValue: string
auditInfo: string

FieldtypeCreate: object

description: string
name: string

FieldtypeGet: object

isSet: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

FieldtypeUpdate: object

description: string
name: string

FieldUpdate: object

attributeName: string
concept: string
selectMultiple: string
tableName: string
fieldType: string
description: string
name: string
defaultValue: string

FormCreate: object

template: string
formFields: string
xslt: string
description: string
name: string
published: string
build: string
encounterType: string
version: string

FormFormfieldCreate: object

field: string
fieldNumber: string
form: string
maxOccurs: string
sortWeight: string
pageNumber: string
parent: string
fieldPart: string
required: string
minOccurs: string

FormFormfieldGet: object

field: string
fieldNumber: string
form: string
maxOccurs: string
retired: string
sortWeight: string
pageNumber: string
parent: string
display: string
uuid: string
required: string
fieldPart: string
auditInfo: string
minOccurs: string

FormFormfieldUpdate: object

field: string
fieldNumber: string
form: string
maxOccurs: string
sortWeight: string
pageNumber: string
parent: string
fieldPart: string
required: string
minOccurs: string

FormGet: object

formFields: string
resources: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
published: string
build: string
auditInfo: string
version: string
encounterType: string

FormResourceCreate: object

valueReference: string
dataType: string
form: string
handlerConfig: string
name: string
value: string
handler: string

FormResourceUpdate: object

valueReference: string
dataType: string
form: string
handlerConfig: string
name: string
value: string
handler: string

FormUpdate: object

template: string
xslt: string
description: string
name: string
published: string
build: string
encounterType: string
version: string

Hl7Create: object

hl7: string

Hl7sourceCreate: object

description: string
name: string

Hl7sourceUpdate: object

description: string
name: string

LocationAttributeCreate: object

value: string
attributeType: string

LocationAttributeGet: object

voided: string
value: string
display: string
attributeType: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

LocationattributetypeCreate: object

datatypeConfig: string
datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
description: string
maxOccurs: string
name: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
minOccurs: string

LocationattributetypeGet: object

datatypeConfig: string
datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
description: string
maxOccurs: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
minOccurs: string

LocationattributetypeUpdate: object

datatypeConfig: string
datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
description: string
maxOccurs: string
name: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
minOccurs: string

LocationAttributeUpdate: object

value: string
attributeType: string

LocationCreate: object

tags: string
countyDistrict: string
address1: string
address2: string
parentLocation: string
address3: string
country: string
address6: string
address5: string
address4: string
postalCode: string
childLocations: string
description: string
name: string
cityVillage: string
stateProvince: string
longitude: string
attributes: string
latitude: string

LocationGet: object

tags: string
countyDistrict: string
retired: string
address1: string
display: string
address2: string
parentLocation: string
address3: string
country: string
address6: string
address5: string
address4: string
postalCode: string
childLocations: string
description: string
name: string
cityVillage: string
stateProvince: string
longitude: string
attributes: string
uuid: string
latitude: string
auditInfo: string

LocationtagCreate: object

retireReason: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string

LocationtagUpdate: object

retireReason: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string

LocationUpdate: object

tags: string
countyDistrict: string
address1: string
address2: string
parentLocation: string
address3: string
country: string
address6: string
address5: string
address4: string
postalCode: string
childLocations: string
description: string
name: string
cityVillage: string
stateProvince: string
longitude: string
attributes: string
latitude: string

ObsCreate: object

formFieldPath: string
concept: string
person: string
order: string
location: string
obsDatetime: string
formFieldNamespace: string
groupMembers: string
value: string
accessionNumber: string
encounter: string
comment: string
valueModifier: string
valueCodedName: string

ObsGet: object

formFieldPath: string
concept: string
person: string
obsDatetime: string
location: string
formFieldNamespace: string
groupMembers: string
display: string
encounter: string
order: string
voided: string
value: string
accessionNumber: string
obsGroup: string
uuid: string
comment: string
valueModifier: string
auditInfo: string
valueCodedName: string

ObsUpdate: object

formFieldPath: string
concept: string
person: string
order: string
location: string
obsDatetime: string
formFieldNamespace: string
groupMembers: string
value: string
accessionNumber: string
encounter: string
comment: string
valueModifier: string
valueCodedName: string

OrderCreate: object

durationUnits: string
complex: string
concept: string
orderReasonNonCoded: string
instructions: string
autoExpireDate: string
frequency: string
encounter: string
commentToFulfiller: string
doseUnits: string
careSetting: string
type: string , x ∈ { drugorder , testorder }
brandName: string
dose: string
urgency: string
dateStopped: string
patient: string
dateActivated: string
previousOrder: string
action: string
laterality: string
quantity: string
drug: string
orderReason: string
orderer: string
dispenseAsWritten: string
asNeededCondition: string
display: string
dosingInstructions: string
asNeeded: string
specimenSource: string
units: string
duration: string
dosingType: string
route: string
numRefills: string
quantityUnits: string
orderNumber: string
prn: string
uuid: string
numberOfRepeats: string
clinicalHistory: string
auditInfo: string

OrderfrequencyGet: object

concept: string
frequencyPerDay: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

OrderfrequencyUpdate: object

description: string
name: string

OrderGet: object

orderReason: string
orderer: string
orderReasonNonCoded: string
concept: string
instructions: string
autoExpireDate: string
display: string
commentToFulfiller: string
encounter: string
careSetting: string
urgency: string
dateStopped: string
patient: string
dateActivated: string
orderNumber: string
action: string
previousOrder: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

OrdertypeCreate: object

conceptClasses: string
javaClassName: string
description: string
name: string
parent: string

OrdertypeGet: object

conceptClasses: string
description: string
javaClassName: string
name: string
retired: string
parent: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

OrdertypeUpdate: object

conceptClasses: string
javaClassName: string
description: string
name: string
parent: string

PatientCreate: object

person: string
identifiers: string

PatientGet: object

person: string
identifiers: string
voided: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

PatientIdentifierCreate: object

location: string
preferred: string
identifierType: string
identifier: string

PatientIdentifierGet: object

location: string
voided: string
display: string
uuid: string
preferred: string
identifierType: string
identifier: string
auditInfo: string

PatientidentifiertypeCreate: object

uniquenessBehavior: string
description: string
validator: string
name: string
locationBehavior: string
checkDigit: string
formatDescription: string
format: string
required: string

PatientidentifiertypeGet: object

uniquenessBehavior: string
description: string
validator: string
name: string
retired: string
locationBehavior: string
checkDigit: string
formatDescription: string
display: string
format: string
uuid: string
required: string
auditInfo: string

PatientidentifiertypeUpdate: object

uniquenessBehavior: string
description: string
validator: string
name: string
locationBehavior: string
checkDigit: string
formatDescription: string
format: string
required: string

PatientIdentifierUpdate: object

location: string
preferred: string
identifierType: string
identifier: string

PatientprofileCreate: object

patient: string
image: string
relationships: string

PatientprofileUpdate: object

patient: string
image: string
relationships: string

PatientUpdate: object

person: string

PersonAddressCreate: object

startDate: string
countyDistrict: string
address1: string
endDate: string
address2: string
address3: string
preferred: string
country: string
address6: string
address5: string
postalCode: string
address4: string
cityVillage: string
stateProvince: string
longitude: string
latitude: string

PersonAddressGet: object

startDate: string
countyDistrict: string
address1: string
endDate: string
display: string
address2: string
address3: string
preferred: string
country: string
address6: string
address5: string
address4: string
postalCode: string
voided: string
cityVillage: string
stateProvince: string
longitude: string
uuid: string
latitude: string
auditInfo: string

PersonAddressUpdate: object

startDate: string
countyDistrict: string
address1: string
endDate: string
address2: string
address3: string
preferred: string
country: string
address6: string
address5: string
postalCode: string
address4: string
cityVillage: string
stateProvince: string
longitude: string
latitude: string

PersonAttributeCreate: object

hydratedObject: string
value: string
attributeType: string

PersonAttributeGet: object

hydratedObject: string
voided: string
value: string
display: string
attributeType: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

PersonattributetypeCreate: object

editPrivilege: string
description: string
name: string
sortWeight: string
format: string
searchable: string
foreignKey: string

PersonattributetypeGet: object

concept: string
editPrivilege: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string
sortWeight: string
display: string
format: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
searchable: string
foreignKey: string

PersonattributetypeUpdate: object

editPrivilege: string
description: string
name: string
sortWeight: string
format: string
searchable: string
foreignKey: string

PersonAttributeUpdate: object

hydratedObject: string
value: string
attributeType: string

PersonCreate: object

birthdateEstimated: string
names: string
age: string
birthdate: string
deathdateEstimated: string
causeOfDeath: string
gender: string
attributes: string
addresses: string
dead: string
deathDate: string
birthtime: string

PersonGet: object

birthdateEstimated: string
preferredName: string
deathdateEstimated: string
display: string
deathDate: string
preferredAddress: string
voided: string
names: string
age: string
birthdate: string
gender: string
causeOfDeath: string
attributes: string
uuid: string
addresses: string
dead: string
auditInfo: string
birthtime: string

PersonimageCreate: object

person: string
base64EncodedImage: string

PersonimageGet: object

PersonimageUpdate: object

person: string
base64EncodedImage: string

PersonNameCreate: object

middleName: string
familyName2: string
degree: string
familyNameSuffix: string
prefix: string
familyName: string
givenName: string
preferred: string
familyNamePrefix: string

PersonNameGet: object

middleName: string
familyName2: string
degree: string
familyNameSuffix: string
voided: string
prefix: string
familyName: string
display: string
givenName: string
uuid: string
preferred: string
auditInfo: string
familyNamePrefix: string

PersonNameUpdate: object

middleName: string
familyName2: string
degree: string
familyNameSuffix: string
prefix: string
familyName: string
givenName: string
preferred: string
familyNamePrefix: string

PersonUpdate: object

birthdateEstimated: string
preferredName: string
deathdateEstimated: string
preferredAddress: string
deathDate: string
names: string
age: string
birthdate: string
gender: string
causeOfDeath: string
attributes: string
addresses: string
dead: string
birthtime: string

PrivilegeCreate: object

description: string
name: string

PrivilegeUpdate: object

description: string

ProblemCreate: object

modifier: string
startDate: string
person: string
stopObs: string
startObs: string
sortWeight: string
problem: string
comments: string

ProblemGet: object

startDate: string
person: string
startObs: string
stopObs: string
sortWeight: string
problem: string
display: string
endDate: string
modifier: string
voided: string
uuid: string
activeListType: string
comments: string
auditInfo: string

ProblemUpdate: object

modifier: string
startDate: string
person: string
stopObs: string
startObs: string
sortWeight: string
problem: string
comments: string

ProgramCreate: object

outcomesConcept: string
concept: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string

ProgramenrollmentCreate: object

patient: string
location: string
voided: string
program: string
states: string
dateEnrolled: string
outcome: string
dateCompleted: string

ProgramenrollmentGet: object

patient: string
location: string
voided: string
program: string
states: string
display: string
uuid: string
dateEnrolled: string
outcome: string
auditInfo: string
dateCompleted: string

ProgramenrollmentStateCreate: object

state: string

ProgramenrollmentStateGet: object

startDate: string
patientProgram: string
voided: string
state: string
endDate: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

ProgramenrollmentStateUpdate: object

startDate: string
voided: string
state: string
endDate: string

ProgramenrollmentUpdate: object

location: string
voided: string
states: string
dateEnrolled: string
outcome: string
dateCompleted: string

ProgramGet: object

outcomesConcept: string
concept: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string
allWorkflows: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

ProgramUpdate: object

outcomesConcept: string
concept: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string

ProviderAttributeCreate: object

value: string
attributeType: string

ProviderAttributeGet: object

voided: string
value: string
display: string
attributeType: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

ProviderattributetypeCreate: object

datatypeConfig: string
datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
description: string
maxOccurs: string
name: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
minOccurs: string

ProviderattributetypeGet: object

datatypeConfig: string
datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
description: string
maxOccurs: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
minOccurs: string

ProviderattributetypeUpdate: object

datatypeConfig: string
datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
description: string
maxOccurs: string
name: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
minOccurs: string

ProviderAttributeUpdate: object

value: string
attributeType: string

ProviderCreate: object

person: string
retired: string
attributes: string
identifier: string

ProviderGet: object

person: string
retired: string
display: string
attributes: string
uuid: string
identifier: string
auditInfo: string

ProviderUpdate: object

person: string
retired: string
attributes: string
identifier: string

RelationshipCreate: object

startDate: string
relationshipType: string
endDate: string
personA: string
personB: string

RelationshipGet: object

startDate: string
relationshipType: string
voided: string
endDate: string
display: string
uuid: string
personA: string
personB: string
auditInfo: string

RelationshiptypeCreate: object

weight: string
aIsToB: string
description: string
bIsToA: string

RelationshiptypeGet: object

weight: string
aIsToB: string
description: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
bIsToA: string

RelationshiptypeUpdate: object

weight: string
aIsToB: string
description: string
bIsToA: string

RelationshipUpdate: object

startDate: string
relationshipType: string
voided: string
endDate: string

ReportingrestCohortDefinitionCreate: object

description: string
name: string

ReportingrestCohortDefinitionGet: object

description: string
name: string
class: string
parameters: string
uuid: string

ReportingrestCohortDefinitionUpdate: object

description: string
name: string

ReportingrestCohortGet: object

definition: string
uuid: string
members: string

ReportingrestDataSetDefinitionCreate: object

description: string
name: string

ReportingrestDataSetDefinitionGet: object

description: string
name: string
class: string
parameters: string
uuid: string

ReportingrestDataSetDefinitionUpdate: object

description: string
name: string

ReportingrestDataSetGet: object

definition: string
uuid: string
rows: string
metadata: string

ReportingrestReportdataGet: object

definition: string
context: string
dataSets: string
uuid: string

ReportingrestReportDefinitionCreate: object

description: string
name: string

ReportingrestReportDefinitionGet: object

description: string
name: string
class: string
parameters: string
uuid: string

ReportingrestReportDefinitionUpdate: object

description: string
name: string

ReportingrestReportRequestGet: object

renderCompleteDatetime: string
status: string
description: string
priority: string
renderingMode: string
requestDate: string
uuid: string
evaluateCompleteDatetime: string
evaluateStartDatetime: string
requestedBy: string

RoleCreate: object

description: string
name: string
privileges: string
inheritedRoles: string

RoleGet: object

allInheritedRoles: string
description: string
name: string
retired: string
privileges: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
inheritedRoles: string

RoleUpdate: object

description: string
privileges: string
inheritedRoles: string

SystemsettingCreate: object

datatypeConfig: string
datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
description: string
value: string
property: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string

SystemsettingGet: object

datatypeConfig: string
datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
description: string
value: string
display: string
property: string
uuid: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string

SystemsettingUpdate: object

datatypeConfig: string
datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
description: string
value: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string

UserCreate: object

userProperties: string
secretQuestion: string
person: string
username: string
proficientLocales: string
roles: string
systemId: string
password: string

UserGet: object

userProperties: string
person: string
retired: string
privileges: string
display: string
username: string
secretQuestion: string
proficientLocales: string
roles: string
uuid: string
systemId: string
auditInfo: string
allRoles: string

UserUpdate: object

userProperties: string
secretQuestion: string
person: string
username: string
proficientLocales: string
roles: string
systemId: string
password: string

VisitAttributeCreate: object

value: string
attributeType: string

VisitAttributeGet: object

voided: string
value: string
display: string
attributeType: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

VisitattributetypeCreate: object

datatypeConfig: string
datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
description: string
maxOccurs: string
name: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
minOccurs: string

VisitattributetypeGet: object

datatypeConfig: string
datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
description: string
maxOccurs: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
minOccurs: string

VisitattributetypeUpdate: object

datatypeConfig: string
datatypeClassname: string
handlerConfig: string
description: string
maxOccurs: string
name: string
preferredHandlerClassname: string
minOccurs: string

VisitAttributeUpdate: object

value: string
attributeType: string

VisitCreate: object

patient: string
stopDatetime: string
location: string
indication: string
attributes: string
encounters: string
startDatetime: string
visitType: string

VisitGet: object

patient: string
stopDatetime: string
location: string
voided: string
indication: string
display: string
attributes: string
encounters: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string
startDatetime: string
visitType: string

VisittypeCreate: object

description: string
name: string

VisittypeGet: object

description: string
name: string
retired: string
display: string
uuid: string
auditInfo: string

VisittypeUpdate: object

description: string
name: string

VisitUpdate: object

stopDatetime: string
location: string
indication: string
attributes: string
encounters: string
startDatetime: string
visitType: string

WorkflowCreate: object

description: string
name: string

WorkflowGet: object

concept: string
description: string
retired: string
states: string
uuid: string

WorkflowStateGet: object

concept: string
description: string
retired: string
uuid: string

WorkflowUpdate: object

description: string
name: string

Component Versions

The documentation above was automatically generated from a system running the following OpenMRS components.

Component Version
openmrs-core 1.11.6 Build 0d2192
atlas 2.1
formentryapp 1.2
reporting 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT
metadatasharing 1.1.10
idgen 3.2
allergyui 1.2
emrapi 1.11.1
registrationapp 1.3
htmlformentryui 1.3
appframework 2.4
reportingrest 1.6-SNAPSHOT
referencemetadata 2.3.1
metadatamapping 1.0.2
adminui 1.0
uiframework 3.6
referenceapplication 2.3
appui 1.4
dhisconnector 0.1.1
metadatadeploy 1.5
htmlwidgets 1.7.0
serialization.xstream 0.2.10
registrationcore 1.2
htmlformentry19ext 1.6.1
coreapps 1.7
event 2.2.1
providermanagement 2.3
chartsearch 1.4.1
calculation 1.1
allergyapi 1.3
appointmentschedulingui 1.0.3
owa 1.4
htmlformentry 2.6
uicommons 1.7 2.14.dc38aa
appointmentscheduling 1.4
dataexchange 1.3.1
uilibrary 2.0.4


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